Azure Plan FAQs

Microsoft has introduced Azure Plan, a new commerce experience for its Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) customers that allows for easier and more consistent management of Azure CSPs as compared to the legacy CSP program.

In support of our CSP customers who have made the switch, CloudCheckr is now offering Azure Plan as an account type.

To make the transition from classic CSP to Azure Plan as seamless as possible, we have provided these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to answer the most probable questions you may have about this change.

Since the Azure Plan is a new program with unique characteristics, we are treating it as a separate account type, so you must create a new account in CloudCheckr. When you configure your account, you will perform same steps as you did with Classic CSP except that you will choose Azure Plan as your account type.

Since Azure Plan is a separate account in CloudCheckr, you can only view the costs for your Azure Plan account if you are in that Azure Plan account. Similarly, you can only view the costs for your Classic CSP account if you are in that Classic CSP account. You can easily switch between the two accounts in to view their respective costs. However, by leveraging Multi-Account Views (MAVs), you can create a view that combines both Classic CSP and Azure Plan, where you will be able to see all the costs grouped together.

Yes, you have access to same reports, recommendations, and bill customization tools on Azure Plan that have been available within Classic CSP.

As part of our Azure Plan support we have updated our CSP reports and functionality to handle multi-currency scenarios. While the in-app behavior will be dependent on the type of report or feature being leveraged, you will be able to view your data by the proper currency.

The Subscription ID field in our Azure Plan reporting maps to the Microsoft Azure Entitlement ID — allowing us to provide more comprehensive cost reporting and filter costs down from the Azure Plan payer to the individually-configured Inventory Subscription accounts within our application.

To make the current Azure Plan Cost reports more consistent with our legacy CSP Cost reports, we have replaced the Subscription Plan ID field — which is an aggregate of multiple Azure subscriptions at the plan level — with the Subscription ID field.

We deployed this change to the current CloudCheckr product on September 28, 2020, so for September 2020 and all months going forward, CloudCheckr will automatically reflect this change in your Azure Plan cost data.

However for any months prior to September 2020, you must reload your historical Azure Plan cost data to get the most accurate cost information.

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