API Reference Guide (Inventory)
Optional Date Parameter for Inventory API Calls
- /get
- /get_resources
- AMI Details
- AMI Summary
- AWS Internet Gateways
- CloudFormation Details
- CloudFormation Summary
- CloudSearch Details
- CloudSearch Summary
- Customer Gateways
- DynamoDB Details
- DynamoDB Summary
- EBS Details
- EBS Snapshots
- EBS Summary
- EC2 Address Details
- EC2 Address Summary
- EC2 Details V4
- EC2 Hosts
- EC2 Load Balancer Details
- EC2 Load Balancer Summary
- EC2 Network Interfaces
- Get EC2 Reserved Instances V2
Find Resources
- Glacier Details
- Glacier Summary
- IAM Groups
- IAM Policies
- IAM Roles
- IAM Users
- Network ACL Details
- Network ACL Summary
- RDS Backup Details
- RDS Backup Summary
- RDS Details
- RDS Parameter Group Details
- RDS Parameter Group Summary
- RDS Security Group Details
- RDS Security Group Summary
- RDS Snapshot Details
- RDS Snapshot Summary
- RDS Summary
- Redshift Details
- Redshift Summary
- Route53 Health Checks
- Route53 Hosted Zone Details
- Route Tables
- S3 Details
- S3 Summary
- SWF Details
- SWF Summary
- VPC Details
- VPC Summary
- VPC VPN Connection Details
- VPC VPN Gateways
- Get Resources WorkSpaces Details
- Get Resources Workspaces Directories
- AU: https://au.cloudcheckr.com
- EU: https://eu.cloudcheckr.com
- GOV: https://gov.cloudcheckr.com
- FED: https://fed.cloudcheckr.com
Below is a list of inventory-related API calls in CloudCheckr. Calls can be made against general CloudCheckr accounts or against CloudCheckr Multi-Account Views (MAVs).
Section | Description |
Input Parameters | Options that you pass with the endpoint to influence a response.
Identifies if a parameter is required or optional, the data type, and the parameter description. |
API Call URL | Identifies the common path for the API (highlighted in yellow) and the end path of the endpoint (highlighted in light blue).
![]() |
Request Example | Includes a sample request that shows the endpoint and a few key parameters.
Formatted in curl since it’s language-agnostic. Includes the header information and the method (GET or POST in most cases). |
Response Example | Shows a sample response for all of the parameters passed in the request example.
Includes examples in XML and JSON. |
Optional Date Parameter for Inventory API Calls
For all inventory-related calls, you can use the option parameter “date”. By passing in “date” you can select the day for which to return the inventory. If date is not defined, the most recent inventory will be returned. If there is not a specific inventory for the date, CloudCheckr will attempt to use the last previous inventory to the date passed in.
XML call:
JSON call:
The API response will include “DateOfResults”:”2015-11-23T20:13:03″ which will allow you to determine what specific date the inventory is for.
CloudTrail Trails
The API method, “get_cloudtrail_trails”, returns a list of CloudTrail trail details.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<NextToken />
<AccountName>Account Names</AccountName>
<S3KeyPrefix>S3 Key Prefix</S3KeyPrefix>
<SnsTopicName>SNS Topic Name</SnsTopicName>
<IncludeGlobalServiceEvents>Include Global Service Events</IncludeGlobalServiceEvents>
<IsLogging>Is Logging</IsLogging>
<LoggingStart>Logging Start</LoggingStart>
<LoggingEnd>Logging End</LoggingEnd>
<KmsKeyId>KMS Key Id</KmsKeyId>
<LatestDeliveryError>Latest Delivery Error</LatestDeliveryError>
<LatestNotificationError>Latest Notification Error</LatestNotificationError>
<IsMultiRegionTrail>Is Multi-Region Trail</IsMultiRegionTrail>
JSON Example:
"CloudTrailTrailDs" :[
"AccountName": "Account Name",
"Enabled": "Enabled",
"Name": "Name",
"S3BucketName": "S3 Bucket Name",
"S3KeyPrefix": "S3 Key Prefix",
"SnsTopicName": "SNS Topic Name",
"IncludeGlobalServiceEvents": "Include Global Service Events",
"Region": "Region",
"RegionName": "Region Name",
"IsLogging": "Is Logging",
"LoggingStart": "LoggingStart",
"LoggingEnd": "Logging End",
"LogFileValidationEnabled": "Log File Validation Enabled",
"KmsKeyId": "KMS Key Id",
"LatestDeliveryError": "Latest Delivery Error",
"LatestDelivery": "Latest Delivery",
"LatestNotificationError": "Latest Notification Error",
"LatestNotification": "Latest Notification",
"IsMultiRegionTrail": "Is Multi-Region Trail "
Password Policy
The API method, “get_password_policy”, returns AWS password policy settings for a given account.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetPasswordPolicyResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";>
<NextToken />
<AllowUsersToChangePassword>Allow Users ToChange Password</AllowUsersToChangePassword>
<MinimumPasswordLength>Minimum Password Length</MinimumPasswordLength>
<RequireLowercaseCharacters>Minimum Password Length</MinimumPasswordLength>
<RequireNumbers>Require Numbers</RequireNumbers>
<RequireSymbols>Require Symbols</RequireSymbols>
<RequireUppercaseCharacters>Require Uppercase Characters</UppercaseCharacters>
<AccountName> Account Name</AccountName>
<IsDisabled> Is Disabled</IsDisabled>
<PasswordReusePrevention> Password Reuse Prevention </PasswordReusePrevention>
<ExpirePasswords> Expire Passwords</ExpirePasswords>
<MaxPasswordAge> Max Password Age </MaxPasswordAge>
<HardExpiry> Hard Expiry </HardExpiry>
JSON Example:
"PasswordPolicy" :[
"AllowUsersToChangePassword": "Allow Users To Change Password",
"MinimumPasswordLength": "Minimum Password Length",
"RequireLowercaseCharacters": "Require Lowercase Characters",
"RequireNumbers": "Require Numbers",
"RequireSymbols": "Require Symbols",
"RequireUppercaseCharacters": "Require Uppercase Characters",
"AccountName": "Account Name",
"IsDisabled": "Is Disabled",
"ExpirePasswords": "Expire Passwords",
"MaxPasswordAge": "Maximum Password Age",
"HardExpiry": Hard Expiry",
Tagged Resources
The API method, “get_tagged_resources”, is used to create the Get Tagged Resources report so you can view a list of all tagged resources you are using in AWS.
The preferred HTTP method for this call is GET.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
access_key |
string |
required; admin-level access key
date |
DateTime |
optional; identifies the date range for the report |
tag_key |
string |
optional; allows you to filter your report to include all tag keys or only one selected tag key |
resource_type |
string |
optional; allows you to filter your report to include all resources or only one selected resource |
use_account |
string |
*optional/required; the name of the CloudCheckr account you are making the call for |
use_aws_account_id |
string |
*optional/required; the 12-digit AWS account ID for the CloudCheckr account you are making the call for |
use_cc_account_id |
string |
*optional/required; the CloudCheckr ID of the account you are making the call for |
- use_aws_account_id
- use_account
- use_cc_account_id
curl -- request GET \
-- 'https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.[json|xml]/get_tagged_resources?access_key=[your_access_key]&use_cc_account_id=3
-- header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-- header 'content-type: application/[json|xml]' \
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AllTagKeys />
<ResourceTagValue>CloudChecker EC2</ResourceTagValue>
<ResourceTypeSummaries />
"ResourceTagValue":"CloudChecker EC2",
VPC Endpoints
The API method, “get_vpc_endpoints”, returns a list of VPC endpoints from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetVpcEndpointsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-01T17:12:20</DateOfResults>
<VpcId>VPC Id</VpcId>
<RegionName>Region Name</Region Name>
<AccountName>Account Name</Account Name>
<VPCEndpointId>VPC Endpoint ID</VPCEndpointId>
<PolicyDocument>Policy Document</Policy Document>
<EndpointState>Endpoint State</Endpoint State>
<ServiceName>Service Name</ServiceName>
JSON Example:
"VpcEndpointDetails": [
"Id": "ID",
"VpcId": "VPC ID",
"RegionName": "Region Name",
"AccountName": "Account Name",
"VPCEndpointId": "VPC Endpoint ID",
"PolicyDocument": Policy Document,
"EndpointState": "Endpoint State",
"ServiceName": "Service Name
VPC Subnets
The API method, “get_vpc_subnets”, returns a list of VPC subnets.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetVpcSubnetsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";>
<NextToken />
<SubnetId>Subnet ID</SubnetId>
<hasData>Has Data</hasData>
<CidrBlock>Cidr Block</CidrBlock>
<AvailableIpAddressCount>Available IP Address Count</AvailableIpAddressCount>
<DefaultForAz>Default For Az</DefaultForAz>
<MapIpOnLaunch>Map IP On Launch</MapIpOnLaunch>
<DefaultSubnet>Default Subnet</DefaultSubnet>
<AutoAssignIp>Auto Assign IP</AutoAssignIp>
<NumberOfEc2>Number Of EC2</NumberOfEc2>
<NumberOfRds>Number Of RDS</NumberOfRds>
<NumberOfELB>Number Of ELB</NumberOfELB>
<NumberOfASG>Number Of ASG</Number Of ASG>
<NumberOfEB>Number Of EB </Number Of EB >
<NumberOfEc2>Number Of Ec2 </NumberOfEc2>
<NumberOfRdsDb>Number Of RDS DB </NumberOfRdsDb>
<NatInstance>Nat Instance </NatInstance>
<OrPrivate>Or Private </OrPrivate>
<availablilityZone >Availablility Zone </availablilityZone >
<subnetInternetGateway >Subnet Internet Gateway </subnetInternetGateway >
<subnetInstanceId >Subnet Instance ID </subnetInstanceId >
<VpcId >VPC ID </VpcId >
<RegionName >Region Name </Region Name>
<AccountName >Account Name </AccountName>
JSON Example:
"VpcSubnetDs" :[
"Id": "ID",
"SubnetId": "Subnet ID",
"Name": "Name",
"hasData": "Has Data",
"State": "State",
"CidrBlock": "Cidr Block",
"AvailableIpAddressCount": "Available IP Address Count"
"DefaultForAz": "Default For Az",
"MapIpOnLaunch": "Map IP On Launch",
"DefaultSubnet": "Default Subnet",
"AutoAssignIp": "Auto Assign IP",
"NumberOfEc2": "Number Of EC2",
"NumberOfRds": "Number Of RDS",
"NumberOfELB": "Number Of ELB",
"NumberOfASG": "Number Of ASG",
"NumberOfEB": "Number Of EB",
"NumberOfEc2": "Number Of EC2",
"NumberOfRdsDb": "Number Of RDS Db",
"NatInstance": "Nat Instance",
"OrPrivate": "Or Private",
"availablilityZone": "Availablility Zone",
"subnetInternetGateway": "Subnet Internet Gateway",
"subnetInstanceId": "Subnet Instance ID",
"VpcId": "VPC ID",
"RegionName": "Region Name",
"AccountName": "Account Name",
"VpcNetworkAclDs": [{
"VpcRouteTableDs": [{
"VpcResourceItemDs": [{
"Ec2SecurityGroupDs": [{
"RdsSecurityGroupDs": [{
"Ec2ResourceTagDs": [{
AMI Details
The API method, “get_resources_ami_details”, pulls the data for the List of AMIs report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- names (optional) – return statistics from specific AMIs (comma separated for multiple AMIs)
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<Name>ami-36892d5c (amzn-ami-pv-2013.09.0.x86_64-ebs)</Name>
<Region>US East (Northern Virginia)</Region>
<Description>Amazon Linux AMI x86_64 PV EBS</Description>
JSON Example:
{ "Amis": [{
"Name": "ami-46692d6d (amzn-ami-pv-2012.09.0.x86_64-ebs)",
"Region": "US West (Northern California)",
"IsOwnedByAccount": false,
"RunningInstanceCount": 1,
"StoppedInstanceCount": 1,
"InstanceCount": 2,
"Cost": 0.0,
"StorageUsedBytes": 0,
"Platform": "AmazonLinux",
"Architecture": "x86_64",
"Description": "Amazon Linux AMI x86_64 EBS",
"OwnerId": "248112412877",
"State": "available",
"Type": "machine",
"KernelId": "aki-99bb75e1",
"VirtualizationType": "paravirtual",
"Visibility": "Public",
"AwsAccountId": "554094636882 (4430 Account)"
"DateOfResults": "2014-08-18T20:31:21"
AMI Summary
The API method, “get_resources_ami_summary”, pulls the data for the AMI Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<DateOfResults>2014-08-02T20:20:43</DateOfResults> <PublicAmiCount>7</PublicAmiCount> <PrivateAmiCount>5</PrivateAmiCount> <PaidAmiCount>2</PaidAmiCount> <Cost>9.3000</Cost> <AmisByPlatform> <Group> <Name>AmazonLinux</Name> <Count>4</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>OtherLinux</Name> <Count>3</Count> </Group> </AmisByPlatform>
JSON Example:
{ "PublicAmiCount": 16, "PrivateAmiCount": 8, "PaidAmiCount": 2, "Cost": 10.3200, "AmisByPlatform": [{ "Name": "AmazonLinux", "Count": 13 }, { "Name": "OtherLinux", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "Windows", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "SuseLinux", "Count": 2 }], "AmisByVisibility": [{ "Name": "Public", "Count": 16 }, { "Name": "Private", "Count": 8 }], "AmisByOwner": [{ "Name": "248112412887", "Count": 13 }, { "Name": "554094636684", "Count": 2 }, { "Name": "788593333352", "Count": 2 }, { "Name": "145907871433", "Count": 2 }, { "Name": "326011050738", "Count": 4 }, { "Name": "668949322877", "Count": 1 }], "AmisByRegion": [{ "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 12 }, { "Name": "us-west-2", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "us-west-1", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "eu-west-1", "Count": 2 }, { "Name": "ap-southeast-1", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "ap-northeast-1", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "sa-east-1", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "ap-southeast-2", "Count": 1 }], "AmisByAccount": [{ "Name": "554094636884 (4430 Account)", "Count": 11 }, { "Name": "326011050738 (2150 Account)", "Count": 12 }, { "Name": "668949322877 (5579 Account)", "Count": 1 }], "DateOfResults": "2014-08-18T20:31:21" }
AWS Internet Gateways
The API method, “get_resources_aws_internet_gateways”, returns a list of VPC Internet Gateways.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetVpcInternetGatewaysResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken /> <DateOfResults>2017-01-25T20:43:28</DateOfResults> <VpcInternetGateways> <VpcInternetGatewayDetails> <InternetGatewayId>Internet Gateway ID</InternetGatewayId> <Id>ID</Id> <Region>Region</Region> <Account>Account</Account> <State>State</State> <VpcInternetGatewayAttachmentDs>VpcInternetGatewayAttachmentDs</VpcInternetGatewayAttachmentDs> <Attachments> <Ec2ResourceTagDs> <ResourceTags> <VpcInternetGatewayDetails> </VpcInternetGateways> <VpcSubnets> </GetVpcInternetGatewayResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "VpcInternetGatewayDs" :[ { "Id": "ID", "SubnetId": "Subnet ID", "Region": "Region", "Account": "Account", "State": "State", "VpcInternetGatewayAttachmentDs": [{ "Attachments" }] "Ec2ResourceTagDs": [{ "ResourceTags" }] } ] }
CloudFormation Details
The API method, “get_resources_cloudformation_details”, pulls the data for the CloudFormation Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesCloudFormationDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <CloudFormationDetails> <CloudFormation> <StackId> arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:327122050738:stack/czxzxxzxzxz/367541c0-514e-11e3-a87f-500162a66ca8 </StackId> <Name>czxzxxzxzxz</Name> <Description> AWS CloudFormation Sample Template Drupal_Simple. Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications. Sign-in with the default account 'admin' and the password 'admin'. This template installs a singe instance deployment with a local MySQL database for storage. It uses the AWS CloudFormation bootstrap scripts to install packages and files at instance launch time. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon EC2 instance. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template. </Description> <Creation>2013-11-19T19:10:11</Creation> <LastUpdated>2014-07-22T15:53:59</LastUpdated> <Status>UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE</Status> <DisableRollback>false</DisableRollback> <TimeoutInMinutes>0</TimeoutInMinutes> <Outputs> WebsiteURL | http://ec2-45-11-362-48.compute-1.amazonaws.com </Outputs> <Parameters>DBRootPassword | ****;InstanceType | m1.small</Parameters> <RegionName>US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionName> <Resources> <ResourceDs> <Id>228075</Id> <LogicalResourceId>WaitHandle</LogicalResourceId> <PhysicalResourceId> https://cloudformation-waitcondition-us-east-1.s3.amazonaws.com/arn%3Baws%3Acloudformation%3Aus-east-1%3A326011050738%3Astack/czxzxxzxzxz/478541c0-625e-11e3-a87f-611262a66ca8/WaitHandle?Expires=1384974615&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIIT3CWAIMJYUTISA&Signature=KrWe/S7dcd58iEszq0FFEbH%2GsXA%3D </PhysicalResourceId> <ResourceType>AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle</ResourceType> <LastUpdated>2013-11-19T19:10:16</LastUpdated> <ResourceStatus>CREATE_COMPLETE</ResourceStatus> </ResourceDs> <ResourceDs> <Id>117076</Id> <LogicalResourceId>WebServerSecurityGroup</LogicalResourceId> <PhysicalResourceId>czxzxxzxzxz-WebServerSecurityGroup-1NTOJXIDSA13T</PhysicalResourceId> <ResourceType>AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup</ResourceType> <LastUpdated>2013-11-19T19:10:33</LastUpdated> <ResourceStatus>CREATE_COMPLETE</ResourceStatus> </ResourceDs> <ResourceDs> <Id>228077</Id> <LogicalResourceId>WebServer</LogicalResourceId> <PhysicalResourceId>i-777022fc</PhysicalResourceId> <ResourceType>AWS::EC2::Instance</ResourceType> <LastUpdated>2014-07-22T15:54:15</LastUpdated> <ResourceStatus>UPDATE_COMPLETE</ResourceStatus> </ResourceDs> <ResourceDs> <Id>228078</Id> <LogicalResourceId>WaitCondition</LogicalResourceId> <PhysicalResourceId> arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:444011050777:stack/czxzxxzxzxz/367541c0-514e-11e3-a87f-500162a66ca8/WaitHandle </PhysicalResourceId> <ResourceType>AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition</ResourceType> <LastUpdated>2013-11-19T19:14:31</LastUpdated> <ResourceStatus>CREATE_COMPLETE</ResourceStatus> </ResourceDs> </Resources> </CloudFormation> </CloudFormationDetails> </GetResourcesCloudFormationDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "CloudFormationDetails": [ { "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:326011050738:stack\/czxzxxzxzxz\/367541c0-514e-11e3-a87f-500162a66ca8", "Name": "czxzxxzxzxz", "Description": "AWS CloudFormation Sample Template Drupal_Simple. Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications. Sign-in with the default account 'admin' and the password 'admin'. This template installs a singe instance deployment with a local MySQL database for storage. It uses the AWS CloudFormation bootstrap scripts to install packages and files at instance launch time. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon EC2 instance. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.", "Creation": "2013-11-19T19:10:11", "LastUpdated": "2014-07-22T15:53:59", "Status": "UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE", "StatusReason": null, "DisableRollback": false, "TimeoutInMinutes": 0, "NotificationARNs": null, "Capabilities": null, "Outputs": "WebsiteURL | http:\/\/ec2-23-22-251-39.compute-1.amazonaws.com", "Parameters": "DBRootPassword | ****;InstanceType | m1.small", "RegionName": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "Resources": [ { "Id": 228075, "LogicalResourceId": "WaitHandle", "PhysicalResourceId": "https:\/\/cloudformation-waitcondition-us-east-1.s3.amazonaws.com\/arn%3Bbws%3Acloudformation%3Aus-east-1%3A215011050627%3Astack\/czxzxxzxzxz\/367541c0-514e-11e3-a87f-500162a66ca8\/WaitHandle?Expires=1384974615&AWSAccessKeyId=BFIAIIT3CWAIMJYUTISA&Signature=KrWe\/S7dcd58iExzq0WWEbH%2BsXA%3D", "ResourceType": "AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle", "LastUpdated": "2013-11-19T19:10:16", "ResourceStatus": "CREATE_COMPLETE", "ResourceStatusReason": null }, { "Id": 228076, "LogicalResourceId": "WebServerSecurityGroup", "PhysicalResourceId": "czxzxxzxzxz-WebServerSecurityGroup-1NTOJXIDSA14U", "ResourceType": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", "LastUpdated": "2013-11-19T19:10:33", "ResourceStatus": "CREATE_COMPLETE", "ResourceStatusReason": null }, { "Id": 228077, "LogicalResourceId": "WebServer", "PhysicalResourceId": "i-817022eb", "ResourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "LastUpdated": "2014-07-22T15:54:15", "ResourceStatus": "UPDATE_COMPLETE", "ResourceStatusReason": null }, { "Id": 228078, "LogicalResourceId": "WaitCondition", "PhysicalResourceId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:326011050627:stack\/czxzxxzxzxz\/367541c0-625e-11e3-a87f-500162a66ca8\/WaitHandle", "ResourceType": "AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition", "LastUpdated": "2013-11-19T19:14:31", "ResourceStatus": "CREATE_COMPLETE", "ResourceStatusReason": null } ], "AwsAccountId": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
CloudFormation Summary
The API method, “get_resources_cloudformation_summary”, pulls the data for the CloudFormation Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesCloudFormationSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <TotalStacks>3</TotalStacks> <TotalResources>19</TotalResources> <StacksByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>3</Count> </Group> </StacksByRegion> <StacksByAccount/> </GetResourcesCloudFormationSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "TotalStacks": 3, "TotalResources": 19, "StacksByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 3 } ], "StacksByAccount": [ ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
CloudSearch Details
The API method, “get_resources_cloudsearch_details”, pulls the data for the CloudSearch Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesCloudSearchDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <CloudSearchDetails> <CloudSearch> <DomainId>326011050738/testing</DomainId> <DomainName>test</DomainName> <RegionName>US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionName> <IsProcessing>true</IsProcessing> <SearchInstanceType>search.m1.small</SearchInstanceType> <ServiceAccessPoliciesOption> {"Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Action":"*","Resource":"arn:aws:cs:us-east-1:326011050738:search/testing","Condition":{"IpAddress":{"aws:SourceIp":[""]}}},{"Effect":"Allow","Action":"*","Resource":"arn:aws:cs:us-east-1:326011050738:doc/testing","Condition":{"IpAddress":{"aws:SourceIp":[""]}}}]} </ServiceAccessPoliciesOption> <ServiceAccessPoliciesStatus>Active</ServiceAccessPoliciesStatus> <StemmingOptionsOption>{"stems": {} }</StemmingOptionsOption> <StemmingOptionsStatus>Active</StemmingOptionsStatus> <StopwordOptionsOption> <string>as</string> <string>was</string> </StopwordOptionsOption> <StopwordOptionsStatus>Active</StopwordOptionsStatus> <SynonymOptionsOption>{"synonyms": {} }</SynonymOptionsOption> <SynonymOptionsStatus>Active</SynonymOptionsStatus> <CloudSearchIndexFields> <CloudSearchIndexFieldDs> <IndexFieldName>actor</IndexFieldName> <IndexFieldType>text</IndexFieldType> <CreationDate>2014-02-27T14:07:14</CreationDate> <State>Active</State> <UpdateDate>2014-02-27T14:28:00</UpdateDate> <UpdateVersion>18</UpdateVersion> </CloudSearchIndexFieldDs> <CloudSearchRankExpressions> <CloudSearchRankExpressionDs> <RankName>test_expression</RankName> <CreationDate>2014-02-27T14:29:13</CreationDate> <State>Active</State> <UpdateDate>2014-02-27T14:46:34</UpdateDate> <UpdateVersion>26</UpdateVersion> </CloudSearchRankExpressionDs> </CloudSearchRankExpressions> </CloudSearch> </CloudSearchDetails> </GetResourcesCloudSearchDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "CloudSearchDetails": [ { "DomainId": "326011050738\/test", "AccountName": null, "DomainName": "testing", "RegionName": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "IsProcessing": true, "SearchInstanceType": "search.m1.small", "FieldNames": null, "ServiceAccessPoliciesOption": "{\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Action\":\"*\",\"Resource\":\"arn:aws:cs:us-east-1:326011050738:search\/testing\",\"Condition\":{\"IpAddress\":{\"aws:SourceIp\":[\"\/0\"]}}},{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Action\":\"*\",\"Resource\":\"arn:aws:cs:us-east-1:326011050738:doc\/testing\",\"Condition\":{\"IpAddress\":{\"aws:SourceIp\":[\"\/32\"]}}}]}", "ServiceAccessPoliciesStatus": "Active", "StemmingOptionsOption": "{\"stems\": {} }", "StemmingOptionsStatus": "Active", "StopwordOptionsOption": [ "a", " was" ], "StopwordOptionsStatus": "Active", "SynonymOptionsOption": "{\"synonyms\": {} }", "SynonymOptionsStatus": "Active", "DefaultSearchFieldOption": null, "DefaultSearchFieldStatus": null, "CloudSearchIndexFields": [ { "IndexFieldName": "actor", "IndexFieldType": "text", "CreationDate": "2014-02-27T14:07:14", "State": "Active", "UpdateDate": "2014-02-27T14:28:00", "UpdateVersion": 18 }, ], "CloudSearchRankExpressions": [ { "RankName": "test_expression2", "CreationDate": "2014-02-27T14:29:45", "State": "Active", "UpdateDate": "2014-02-27T14:46:34", "UpdateVersion": 26 } ], "AwsAccountId": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
CloudSearch Summary
The API method, “get_resources_cloudsearch_summary”, pulls the data for the CloudSearch Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (optional; required if using an Admin API key) – return report for this account.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesCloudSearchSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <DomainCount>1</DomainCount> <IndexFeildCount>5</IndexFeildCount> <RankExpressionCount>2</RankExpressionCount> <ActiveOptionsCount>4</ActiveOptionsCount> <DomainsByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </DomainsByRegion> <DomainsByAccount/> </GetResourcesCloudSearchSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "DomainCount": 1, "IndexFeildCount": 5, "RankExpressionCount": 2, "ActiveOptionsCount": 4, "DomainsByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 1 } ], "DomainsByAccount": [ ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
Customer Gateways
The API method, “get_resources_customer_gateways”, returns a list of VPC customer gateways.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetResourcesCustomerGatewaysResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken /> <DateOfResults>2017-01-25T20:43:28</DateOfResults> <CustomerGateways> <VpcCustomerGatewayDetails> <Id> <CustomerGatewayId> <Type> <State> <Account> <Region> <IpAddress> <BgpAsn> <EC2ResourceTagDetails> <ResourceTags>
JSON Example:
{ "VPCCustomerGatewayDetails" :[ { "Id": "ID", "CustomerGatewayId": "Customer Gateway ID ", "Type": "Type", "State": "State", "Account": "Account", "Region": "Region", "IpAddress": "IP Address", "BgpAsn": "BgpAsn", "EC2ResourceTagDetails": [{ "ResourceTags": "ResourceTags" }] } ] }
DynamoDB Details
The API method, “get_resources_dynamodb_details”, pulls the data for the DynamoDB Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesDynamoDbDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <DynamoDbDetails> <DynamoDb> <TableName>testdynamo</TableName> <TableStatus>ACTIVE</TableStatus> <TableSizeBytes>2434</TableSizeBytes> <ItemCount>43</ItemCount> <KeySchemaAttribute>hashonlyattrib</KeySchemaAttribute> <KeySchemaKeyType>HASH</KeySchemaKeyType> <CreateTime>2013-06-26T20:06:37</CreateTime> <ProvisionedThroughputRead>1</ProvisionedThroughputRead> <ProvisionedThroughputWrite>2</ProvisionedThroughputWrite> <ProvisionedThroughputLastIncrease>2013-10-07T18:30:34</ProvisionedThroughputLastIncrease> <ProvisionedThroughputLastDecrease>2014-06-20T20:27:55</ProvisionedThroughputLastDecrease> <ProvisionedThroughputNumDecreasesToday>0</ProvisionedThroughputNumDecreasesToday> <AverageConsumedReadsToday>0</AverageConsumedReadsToday> <AverageConsumedReadsLast2Days>0</AverageConsumedReadsLast2Days> <AverageConsumedReadsLast7Days>0</AverageConsumedReadsLast7Days> <AverageConsumedReadsLast30Days>0</AverageConsumedReadsLast30Days> <AverageConsumedWritesToday>0</AverageConsumedWritesToday> <AverageConsumedWritesLast2Days>0</AverageConsumedWritesLast2Days> <AverageConsumedWritesLast7Days>0</AverageConsumedWritesLast7Days> <AverageConsumedWritesLast30Days>0</AverageConsumedWritesLast30Days> <RegionName>US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionName> <ProvisionedThroughputReadCost>0</ProvisionedThroughputReadCost> <ProvisionedThroughputWriteCost>0</ProvisionedThroughputWriteCost> <StorageCost>0</StorageCost> </DynamoDb> </DynamoDbDetails> </GetResourcesDynamoDbDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "DynamoDbDetails": [ { "TableName": "testdynamo", "TableStatus": "ACTIVE", "TableSizeBytes": 2434, "ItemCount": 43, "KeySchemaAttribute": "hashonlyattrib", "KeySchemaKeyType": "HASH", "LocalSecondaryIndex": null, "CreateTime": "2013-06-26T20:06:37", "ProvisionedThroughputRead": 1, "ProvisionedThroughputWrite": 2, "ProvisionedThroughputLastIncrease": "2013-10-07T18:30:34", "ProvisionedThroughputLastDecrease": "2014-06-20T20:27:55", "ProvisionedThroughputNumDecreasesToday": 0, "AverageConsumedReadsToday": 0, "AverageConsumedReadsLast2Days": 0, "AverageConsumedReadsLast7Days": 0, "AverageConsumedReadsLast30Days": 0, "AverageConsumedWritesToday": 0, "AverageConsumedWritesLast2Days": 0, "AverageConsumedWritesLast7Days": 0, "AverageConsumedWritesLast30Days": 0, "RegionName": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "ProvisionedThroughputReadCost": 0, "ProvisionedThroughputWriteCost": 0, "StorageCost": 0, "AwsAccountId": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
DynamoDB Summary
The API method, “get_resources_dynamodb_summary”, pulls the data for the DynamoDB Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return statistics from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent data will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesDynamoDbSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <TotalTables>5</TotalTables> <TotalActive>5</TotalActive> <TotalStorage>70914</TotalStorage> <TotalItems>3529</TotalItems> <TotalProvisionedThroughputRead>20</TotalProvisionedThroughputRead> <TotalProvisionedThroughputWrite>19</TotalProvisionedThroughputWrite> <TablesByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>3</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>us-west-2</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>ap-southeast-1</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </TablesByRegion> <TablesByAccount/> </GetResourcesDynamoDbSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "TotalTables": 5, "TotalActive": 5, "TotalStorage": 70914, "TotalItems": 3529, "TotalProvisionedThroughputRead": 20, "TotalProvisionedThroughputWrite": 19, "TablesByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "us-west-2", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "ap-southeast-1", "Count": 1 } ], "TablesByAccount": [ ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
EBS Details
The API method, “get_resources_ebs_details”, pulls the data for the List of EBS Volumes report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- volume_ids (optional) – returns statistics from specific volumes (comma-separated for multiple volumes).
- resource_tags (optional) – returns statistics from volumes containing specific tags (can be just tag key, or key/value pairs formatted as key:value; comma-separated for multiple tags).
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<DateOfResults>2014-08-02T20:30:17</DateOfResults> <EbsVolumes> <EbsVolume> <Id>ID</Id> <VolumeStatus>Volume Status</VolumeStatus> <StorageCost>Storage Cost</StorageCost> <PIOPSCost>PIOPS Cost</PIOPSCost> <Identifier>Identifier</Identifier> <EncryptedBoolean>Encrypted Boolean</EncryptedBoolean> <KMSKeyID>KMS Key ID</KMSKeyID> <SnapshotID>Snapshot ID</SnapshotID> <SnapshotCost>Snapshot Cost</SnapshotCost> <ListOfSnapshots>List of Snapshots</ListOfSnapshots> <ListOfAttachments>List of Attachments</ListOfAttachments> <ListOfCosts>List of Costs</ListOfCosts> <AwsAccountId>554094637884 (5500 Account)</AwsAccountId> <VolumeId>vol-19cbd929</VolumeId> <Cost>0.6871947673600</Cost> <SizeGiB>8</SizeGiB> <SnapshotCount>0</SnapshotCount> <SnapshotSizeGiB>0</SnapshotSizeGiB> <Created>2013-02-08T20:49:11</Created> <Type>standard</Type> <Status>in-use</Status> <Region>US West (Northern California)</Region> <AvailabilityZone>us-west-1b</AvailabilityZone> <AttachmentToInstance>i-6g41d718 (4430 Instance)</AttachmentToInstance> <IOPS>0</IOPS> <ResourceTags> <ResourceTag> <Key>Environment</Key> <Value>QA</Value> </ResourceTag> </ResourceTags> </EbsVolume> </EbsVolumes>
JSON Example:
{ "EbsVolumes": [{ "Id": "ID", "VolumeStatus": "Volume Status", "StorageCost": "Storage Cost", "PIOPSCost": "PIOPS Cost", "Identifier": "Identifier", "EncryptedBoolean": "Encrypted Boolean", "KMSKeyID": "KMS Key ID", "SnapshotID": "Snapshot ID", "SnapshotCost": "Snapshot Cost", "ListOfSnapshots": "List of Snapshots", "ListOfAttachments": List of Attachments", "ListOfCosts": List of Costs", "VolumeId": "vol-19ccd929", "Cost": 0.6871947673600, "SizeGiB": 8, "SnapshotCount": 0, "SnapshotSizeGiB": 0, "Created": "2013-02-08T20:49:11", "Type": "standard", "Status": "in-use", "Region": "US West (Northern California)", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-1b", "AttachmentToInstance": "i-6g41d607 (4430 Instance)", "IOPS": 0, "AwsAccountId": "554094637884 (5500 Account)" }], "DateOfResults": "2014-08-18T20:31:21" }
EBS Snapshots
The API method, “get_resources_ebs_snapshots”, pulls the data for the list of EBS snapshots report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- snapshot_ids (optional) – returns statistics from specific EBS snapshots (comma-separated for multiple snapshots).
- volume_ids (optional) returns statistics from snapshots of specific volumes (comma–separated for multiple volumes).
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesEbsSnapshotsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-08-01T22:43:06</DateOfResults> <EbsSnapshots> <EbsSnapshot> <AwsAccountId>554094637884 (5500 Account)</AwsAccountId> <SnapshotId>snap-28df5c33</SnapshotId> <Region>Asia Pacific (Sydney)</Region> <VolumeId>vol-77f864ab</VolumeId> <StartTime>2013-01-24T15:04:31</StartTime> <Status>completed</Status> <OwnerId>554094636793</OwnerId> <Progress>100%</Progress> <VolumeSize>8</VolumeSize> <Description>Snap of vol-76d864ab</Description> <ResourceTags> <ResourceTag> <Key>Name</Key> <Value>vol-774864ab_Snapshot</Value> </ResourceTag> </ResourceTags> </EbsSnapshot>
JSON Example:
{ "EbsSnapshots": [{ "SnapshotId": "snap-28df5c29", "Region": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)", "VolumeId": "vol-76a864ab", "StartTime": "2013-01-24T15:04:31", "Status": "completed", "OwnerId": "669094636785", "Progress": "100%", "VolumeSize": "8", "Description": "Snap of vol-88j864ab", "ResourceTags": [{ "Key": "Name", "Value": "vol-78k864ab_Snapshot" }], "AwsAccountId": "554094637884 (5500 Account"], "DateOfResults": "2014-08-18T20:31:21" }
EBS Summary
The API method, “get_resources_ebs_summary”, pulls the data for the EBS Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<DateOfResults>2014-08-01T22:43:06</DateOfResults> <VolumeCount>37</VolumeCount> <StorageUsedGiB>523</StorageUsedGiB> <CostPerMonth>45.0963252592640</CostPerMonth> <AvailableVolumeCount>4</AvailableVolumeCount> <InUseVolumeCount>33</InUseVolumeCount> <VolumesByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>21</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>us-west-2</Name> <Count>2</Count> </Group> </VolumesByRegion>
JSON Example:
{ "VolumeCount": 37, "StorageUsedGiB": 523, "CostPerMonth": 45.0963252592640, "AvailableVolumeCount": 4, "InUseVolumeCount": 33, "VolumesByRegion": [{ "Name": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "Count": 21 }, { "Name": "US West (Oregon)", "Count": 2 }, { "Name": "US West (Northern California)", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "EU (Ireland)", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "South America (São Paulo)", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)", "Count": 2 }], "CostByRegion": [{ "Name": "US West (Northern California)", "Cost": 5.32575944704 }, { "Name": "EU (Ireland)", "Cost": 4.01579442176 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)", "Cost": 0.73014444032 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)", "Cost": 0.68719476736 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)", "Cost": 0.77309411328 }, { "Name": "US West (Oregon)", "Cost": 0.8589934592 }, { "Name": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "Cost": 32.6022653952 }, { "Name": "South America (São Paulo)", "Cost": 0.103079215104 }], "VolumesByType": [{ "Name": "standard", "Count": 35 }, { "Name": "gp2", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "io1", "Count": 1 }], "VolumesByAccount": [{ "Name": "443094636793", "Count": 14 }, { "Name": "326111050538", "Count": 23 }], "DateOfResults": "2014-08-18T20:31:21" }
EC2 Address Details
The API method, “get_resources_ec2_address_details”, pulls the data for the list of Elastic IPs report in CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional; required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesEc2AddressDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken/> <DateOfResults>2015-06-20T16:21:34</DateOfResults> <Addresses> <Ec2AddressResponse> <AllocationId>N/A</AllocationId> <AssociationId>N/A</AssociationId> <PublicIp></PublicIp> <Domain>EC2-Classic</Domain> <NetworkInterfaceOwnerId>N/A</NetworkInterfaceOwnerId> <AccountName>316211050455</AccountName> <InstanceId>N/A</InstanceId> <NetworkInterfaceId>N/A</NetworkInterfaceId> <RegionDisplayName>Aws_US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionDisplayName> <Status>In use</Status> </Ec2AddressResponse> <Ec2AddressResponse> <AllocationId>N/A</AllocationId> <AssociationId>N/A</AssociationId> <PublicIp></PublicIp> <Domain>EC2-Classic</Domain> <NetworkInterfaceOwnerId>N/A</NetworkInterfaceOwnerId> <AccountName>316211050455</AccountName> <InstanceId>N/A</InstanceId> <NetworkInterfaceId>N/A</NetworkInterfaceId> <RegionDisplayName>Aws_US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionDisplayName> <Status>In use</Status> </Ec2AddressResponse> <Ec2AddressResponse> <AllocationId>eipalloc-1b8b7068</AllocationId> <AssociationId>eipassoc-82c96df4</AssociationId> <PublicIp></PublicIp> <Domain>VPC</Domain> <NetworkInterfaceOwnerId>316211050455</NetworkInterfaceOwnerId> <AccountName>3162110504557</AccountName> <InstanceId>i-fdcca690</InstanceId> <NetworkInterfaceId>eni-b77474d2</NetworkInterfaceId> <RegionDisplayName>Aws_US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionDisplayName> <Status>In use</Status> </Ec2AddressResponse> <Ec2AddressResponse> <AllocationId>N/A</AllocationId> <AssociationId>N/A</AssociationId> <PublicIp></PublicIp> <Domain>EC2-Classic</Domain> <NetworkInterfaceOwnerId>N/A</NetworkInterfaceOwnerId> <AccountName>316211050455</AccountName> <InstanceId>N/A</InstanceId> <NetworkInterfaceId>N/A</NetworkInterfaceId> <RegionDisplayName>Aws_South America (São Paulo)</RegionDisplayName> <Status>In use</Status> </Ec2AddressResponse> </Addresses> </GetResourcesEc2AddressDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "Addresses":[ { "AllocationId":"N/A", "AssociationId":"N/A", "PublicIp":"33.31.345.51", "Domain":"EC2-Classic", "NetworkInterfaceOwnerId":"N/A", "AccountName":"316211050455", "InstanceId":"N/A", "NetworkInterfaceId":"N/A", "RegionDisplayName":"Aws_US East (Northern Virginia)", "Status":"In use" }, { "AllocationId":"N/A", "AssociationId":"N/A", "PublicIp":"", "Domain":"EC2-Classic", "NetworkInterfaceOwnerId":"N/A", "AccountName":"316211050455", "InstanceId":"N/A", "NetworkInterfaceId":"N/A", "RegionDisplayName":"Aws_US East (Northern Virginia)", "Status":"In use" }, { "AllocationId":"eipalloc-1b8b7068", "AssociationId":"eipassoc-82b96df4", "PublicIp":"", "Domain":"VPC", "NetworkInterfaceOwnerId":"316211050455", "AccountName":"316211050455", "InstanceId":"i-fcdca690", "NetworkInterfaceId":"eni-b77474d2", "RegionDisplayName":"Aws_US East (Northern Virginia)", "Status":"In use" }, { "AllocationId":"N/A", "AssociationId":"N/A", "PublicIp":"", "Domain":"EC2-Classic", "NetworkInterfaceOwnerId":"N/A", "AccountName":"316211050455", "InstanceId":"N/A", "NetworkInterfaceId":"N/A", "RegionDisplayName":"Aws_South America (São Paulo)", "Status":"In use" } ], "DateOfResults":"2015-06-20T16:21:34", "HasNext":false, "NextToken":"" }
EC2 Address Summary
The API method, “get_resources_ec2_address_summary”, pulls the data for the list of Elastic IP SUmmary report in CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional; required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesEc2ElasticIPSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken/> <DateOfResults>2015-06-20T16:21:34</DateOfResults> <TotalAddresses>4</TotalAddresses> <TotalAvailableAddresses>3</TotalAvailableAddresses> <TotalInUseAddresses>1</TotalInUseAddresses> <ElasticIpsByRegion> <Group> <Group> <Name>US East (Northern Virginia)</Name> <Name>ws-5rnvh5wd2</Name> <Count>3</Count> <Count>0</Count> </Group> </Group> <Group> <Group> <Name>South America (São Paulo)</Name> <Name>ws-k41t2rryq</Name> <Count>1</Count> <Count>0</Count> </Group> </Group> </ElasticIpsByRegion> <ElasticIpsByDomain> <Group> <Group> <Name>standard</Name> <Name>ws-h9x63z4qk</Name> <Count>3</Count> <Count>0</Count> </Group> </Group> <Group> <Group> <Name>vpc</Name> <Name>ws-8ijz601x6</Name> <Count>1</Count> <Count>0</Count> </Group> </Group> </ElasticIpsByDomain> </TopFiveWorkspacesByLogins> </GetResourcesEc2ElasticIPSummaryResponse> </GetResourceWorkspacesSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "TotalAddresses": 4 "TotalAvailableAddresses": 3, "TotalWorkspaces": 6 "TotalBundlesAmazon":63, "TotalInUseAddresses":1, "TotalBundlesUser":2, "ElasticIpsByRegion":[ "TotalDirectories":1, "TopFiveDirectories":[ { { "Name":"US East (Northern Virginia)", "Name":"d-8377374029", "Count":3 "Count":6 }, { "Name":"South America (São Paulo)", "Count":1 } } ], ], "ElasticIpsByDomain":[ "TopFiveBundles":[ { { "Name":"standard", "Name":"wsb-92tn3b7gx", "Count":3 "Count":4 }, }, { { "Name":"vpc", "Name":"wsb-3t36q0xfc", "Count":1 "Count":1 } ], "ElasticIpsByAccount":null, "DateOfResults":"2015-06-20T16:21:34" }
EC2 Details V4
The API method, “get_resources_ec2_details_V4”, pulls the data for the list of EC2 Instances report from CloudCheckr. This call is identical to version 3 except the output now includes the "Host" value within tenancy.
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- instance_ids (optional) – return statistics for specific EC2 instances (comma-separated for multiple instances).
- resource_tags (optional) – returns statistics from EC2 instances containing specific tags (can be just tag key, or key/value pairs formatted as key:value; comma-separated for multiple tags).
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
Response Examples
<GetResourcesEc2DetailsResponseV4 xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>true</HasNext> <NextToken>H4sIAAAAAAAEAJWQwW7CMAyGXwX1Di5tL1QmEhpoFxAIdtgNWcGDSGnSJY7K41PoNKHtxMnyp9_6bOOiNTs6G0divNt-vbPsOfoUNMeVLpYsZGzc83fiKAr7KKspwqNin0xW4o7DwPMc4Q_DDy9kB_jmkxNVVBXCP4q_ihT5SFo_6KyaITwDbOh6DINC9bbnFk8kPGrL2hk7zyQkzkbXxrpYt-U8u4i0NUDXdZOunPhwhiLPp_C5WR_0hRsaGxeFnO6HQN3P-FkHXnrQDWkVo15PAQAA0</NextToken> <DateOfResults>2019-10-07T23:41:43</DateOfResults> <Count>100</Count> <Ec2Instances> <Ec2InstanceV4> <Instance>i-001fd553adfcccfg (Worker-Scheduler)</Instance> <InstanceId>i-001fd553adfcccfg</InstanceId> <InstanceName>Worker-Scheduler</InstanceName> <Status>running</Status> <Cost>15.00</Cost> <Region>US East (Ohio)</Region> <PricingType>OnDemand</PricingType> <Platform>Windows</Platform> <PricingPlatform>WindowsVpc</PricingPlatform> <InstanceType>t3.large</InstanceType> <AvailabilityZone>us-east-2a</AvailabilityZone> <AttachmentCount>2</AttachmentCount> <TotalVolumeSizeGiB>150</TotalVolumeSizeGiB> <AMI>ami-0dd001d829gd473c7</AMI> <LaunchTime>2019-10-04T16:35:39</LaunchTime> <MonitoringState>disabled</MonitoringState> <PrivateDnsName>ip-172-31-0-118.us-east-2.compute.internal</PrivateDnsName> <PrivateIpAddress></PrivateIpAddress> <SourceDestinationCheck>true</SourceDestinationCheck> <SubnetId>subnet-edba653b5</SubnetId> <VirtualizationType>hvm</VirtualizationType> <VpcId>vpc-55c02e2d</VpcId> <Tenancy>Default</Tenancy> <Ec2Cost>0.0000000000</Ec2Cost> <EbsCost>15.0000000000</EbsCost> <AvgCpuforLast7Days xsi:nil="true" /> <AvgCpuforLast30Days xsi:nil="true" /> <AvgCpuforLast90Days xsi:nil="true" /> <AvgNetworkInLast30Days>0</AvgNetworkInLast30Days> <AvgNetworkOutLast30Days>0</AvgNetworkOutLast30Days> <HighCpuPercent>90</HighCpuPercent> <LowCpuPercent>5</LowCpuPercent> <HoursCpuUtilAbove80>0</HoursCpuUtilAbove80> <HoursCpuUtilBelow80>0</HoursCpuUtilBelow80> <HoursCpuUtilBelow60>0</HoursCpuUtilBelow60> <HoursCpuUtilBelow40>0</HoursCpuUtilBelow40> <HoursCpuUtilBelow20>0</HoursCpuUtilBelow20> <HoursHighCpuLast7Days xsi:nil="true" /> <HoursHighCpuLast30Days xsi:nil="true" /> <HoursHighCpuLast90Days xsi:nil="true" /> <HoursLowCpuLast7Days xsi:nil="true" /> <HoursLowCpuLast30Days xsi:nil="true" /> <HoursLowCpuLast90Days xsi:nil="true" /> <HoursRunningLast7Days xsi:nil="true" /> <HoursRunningLast30Days xsi:nil="true" /> <HoursRunningLast90Days xsi:nil="true" /> <MinimumCpuUtilization xsi:nil="true" /> <MinimumCpuUtilizationDateTime xsi:nil="true" /> <PeakCpuUtilization xsi:nil="true" /> <PeakCpuUtilizationDateTime xsi:nil="true" /> <ResourceTags> <ResourceTag> <Key>CostCenter</Key> <Value>1000</Value> </ResourceTag> <ResourceTag> <Key>Name</Key> <Value>Worker-Scheduler</Value> </ResourceTag> <ResourceTag> <Key>Service</Key> <Value>worker</Value> </ResourceTag> <ResourceTag> <Key>Version</Key> <Value>17.0.0</Value> </ResourceTag> <ResourceTag> <Key>environment</Key> <Value>Amazon.Staging</Value> </ResourceTag> <ResourceTag> <Key>instanceid</Key> <Value>i-001ec4413adfcbead</Value> </ResourceTag> <ResourceTag> <Key>subtype</Key> <Value>Scheduler</Value> </ResourceTag> <ResourceTag> <Key>workerprocessorid</Key> <Value>17</Value> </ResourceTag> </ResourceTags> <SecurityGroups> <SecurityGroup> <GroupId>sg-a48826c9</GroupId> <GroupName>WorkerSG</GroupName> </SecurityGroup> </SecurityGroups> <HostId /> </Ec2InstanceV4>
{ "Count": 100, "Ec2Instances": [ { "HostId": "", "Instance": "i-001fd553adfcccfg (Worker-Scheduler)", "InstanceId": "i-001fd553adfcccfg", "InstanceName": "Worker-Scheduler", "Status": "running", "Cost": 15.00, "Region": "US East (Ohio)", "PricingType": "OnDemand", "Platform": "Windows", "PricingPlatform": "WindowsVpc", "InstanceType": "t3.large", "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-2a", "AttachmentCount": 2, "TotalVolumeSizeGiB": 150, "AMI": "ami-0dd221d829fc462c7", "LaunchTime": "2019-10-04T16:35:39", "MonitoringState": "disabled", "PrivateDnsName": "ip-172-31-0-118.us-east-2.compute.internal", "PrivateIpAddress": "", "PublicDnsName": null, "PublicIpAddress": null, "RamDiskId": null, "SourceDestinationCheck": true, "StateReasonCode": null, "StateReasonMessage": null, "StateTransitionMessage": null, "SubnetId": "subnet-dca653b5", "VirtualizationType": "hvm", "VpcId": "vpc-55c02e2d", "Tenancy": "Default", "Ec2Cost": 0.0000000000, "EbsCost": 15.0000000000, "AvgCpuforLast7Days": null, "AvgCpuforLast30Days": null, "AvgCpuforLast90Days": null, "AvgNetworkInLast30Days": 0.0, "AvgNetworkOutLast30Days": 0.0, "HighCpuPercent": 90, "LowCpuPercent": 5, "HoursCpuUtilAbove80": 0, "HoursCpuUtilBelow80": 0, "HoursCpuUtilBelow60": 0, "HoursCpuUtilBelow40": 0, "HoursCpuUtilBelow20": 0, "HoursHighCpuLast7Days": null, "HoursHighCpuLast30Days": null, "HoursHighCpuLast90Days": null, "HoursLowCpuLast7Days": null, "HoursLowCpuLast30Days": null, "HoursLowCpuLast90Days": null, "HoursRunningLast7Days": null, "HoursRunningLast30Days": null, "HoursRunningLast90Days": null, "MinimumCpuUtilization": null, "MinimumCpuUtilizationDateTime": null, "PeakCpuUtilization": null, "PeakCpuUtilizationDateTime": null, "ResourceTags": [ { "Key": "CostCenter", "Value": "1000" }, { "Key": "Name", "Value": "Worker-Scheduler" }, { "Key": "Service", "Value": "worker" }, { "Key": "Version", "Value": "17.0.0" }, { "Key": "environment", "Value": "Amazon.Staging" }, { "Key": "instanceid", "Value": "i-001fd5513adfcbead" }, { "Key": "subtype", "Value": "Scheduler" }, { "Key": "workerprocessorid", "Value": "17" } ], "SecurityGroups": [ { "GroupId": "sg-a28826d8", "GroupName": "WorkerSG" } ], "AccountName": null } "DateOfResults": "2019-10-07T23:41:43", "HasNext": true, "NextToken": "H4sIAAAAAAAEAJWQwW7CMAyGXwX1Di5tL1QmEhpoFxAIdtgNWcGDSGnSJY7K41PoNKHtxMnyp9_6bOOiNTs6G0divNt-vbPsOfoUNMeVLpYsZGzc83fiKAr7KKspwqNin0xW4o7DwPMc4Q_DDy9kB_jmkxNVVBXCP4q_ihT5SFo_6KyaITwDbOh6DINC9bbnFk8kPGrL2hk7zyQkzkbXxrpYt-U8u4i0NUDXdZOunPhwhiLPp_C5WR_0hRsaGxeFnO6HQN3P-FkHXnrQDWkVo15PAQAA0" }
EC2 Hosts
The API method, “get_resources_ec2_hosts”, pulls the data for the list of EC2 host details from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetResourcesEc2HostsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken /> <DateOfResults>2017-01-25T20:43:28</DateOfResults> <Ec2Hosts> <Ec2HostsDetails> <AvailabilityZoneDetails>AvailabilityZoneDetails</AvailabilityZoneDetails> <AutoPlacement>AutoPlacement</AutoPlacement> <AvailableVCPUs>AvailableVCPUs</AvailableVCPUs> <HostId>HostId</HostId> <HostCores>HostCores</HostCores> <HostSockets>HostSockets</HostSockets> <HostTotalVCPUs>HostTotalVCPUs</HostTotalVCPUs> <HostInstanceType>HostInstanceType</HostInstanceType <HostReservationId>HostReservationId</HostReservationId> <State>State</State> </Ec2HostsDetails> </Ec2Hosts> </GetResourcesEc2HostsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "Ec2HostDetails" :[ { "AvailabilityZoneDetails": "Availability Zone Details", "AutoPlacement": "AutoPlacement", "AvailableVCPUs": "AvailableVCPUs", "HostId": "Host ID", "HostCores": "Host Cores", "HostSockets": "Host Sockets", "HostTotalVCPUs": "Host Total VCPUs" "HostInstanceType": "Host Instance Type", "HostReservationId": "Host Reseveration ID", "State": "State" } ] }
EC2 Load Balancer Details
The API method, “get_resources_ec2_load_balancer_details”, pulls the data for the List of Elastic Load Balancers report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesEc2LoadBalancerDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken /> <DateOfResults>2015-12-30T10:48:13</DateOfResults> <Ec2LoadBalancers> <Ec2LoadBalancer> <Id>36730</Id> <LoadBalancerName>awseb-e-h-AWSEBLoa-ZG91PCFDC46D</LoadBalancerName> <DnsName>awseb-e-h-AWSEBLoa-ZG91PCFDC46D-1673139602.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com</DnsName> <CanonicalHostedZoneName>awseb-e-h-AWSEBLoa-ZG91PCFDC46D-1673139602.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com</CanonicalHostedZoneName> <CanonicalHostedZoneNameId>Z3DZXE0Q79N41H</CanonicalHostedZoneNameId> <CreatedTime>2014-10-29T15:26:14</CreatedTime> <Listeners> <Ec2LoadBalancerListenerDs> <Protocol>HTTP</Protocol> <LoadBalancerPort>80</LoadBalancerPort> <InstanceProtocol>HTTP</InstanceProtocol> <InstancePort>80</InstancePort> </Ec2LoadBalancerListenerDs> <Ec2LoadBalancerListenerDs> <Protocol>HTTPS</Protocol> <LoadBalancerPort>443</LoadBalancerPort> <InstanceProtocol>HTTP</InstanceProtocol> <InstancePort>80</InstancePort> <SslCertificateId>arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/Name2016</SslCertificateId> </Ec2LoadBalancerListenerDs> </Listeners> <HealthCheck> <HealthyThreshold>3</HealthyThreshold> <Interval>30</Interval> <Target>HTTP:80/health.html</Target> <Timeout>5</Timeout> <UnhealthyThreshold>5</UnhealthyThreshold> </HealthCheck> <RegionName>US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionName> <AvailableZones>us-east-1b</AvailableZones> <ResourceTags> <ResourceTag> <Key>Environment</Key> <Value>Production</Value> </ResourceTag> </ResourceTags> </Ec2LoadBalancer> <Ec2LoadBalancers> </GetResourcesEc2LoadBalancerDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "Ec2LoadBalancers": [ { "Id": 37333, "LoadBalancerName": "awseb-e-h-AWSEBLoa-1JGS7BZNNCHXF", "DnsName": "awseb-e-h-AWSEBLoa-1JGS7BZNNCHXF-615204018.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com", "CanonicalHostedZoneName": "awseb-e-h-AWSEBLoa-1JGS7BZNNCHXF-615204018.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com", "CanonicalHostedZoneNameId": "Q43MTJ483KN6XD", "CreatedTime": "2015-01-23T15:07:25", "Listeners": [ { "Protocol": "HTTP", "LoadBalancerPort": 80, "InstanceProtocol": "HTTP", "InstancePort": 80, "SslCertificateId": null }, { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "LoadBalancerPort": 443, "InstanceProtocol": "HTTP", "InstancePort": 80, "SslCertificateId": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/Name2016" } ], "HealthCheck": { "HealthyThreshold": 3, "Interval": 30, "Target": "HTTP:80/health.html", "Timeout": 5, "UnhealthyThreshold": 5 }, "RegionName": "US West (Oregon)", "AvailableZones": "us-west-2b", "ResourceTags": [ { "Key": "Environment", "Value": "Production" } ], "AccountName": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2015-12-30T10:48:13", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": "" }
EC2 Load Balancer Summary
The API method, “ec2_load_balancer_summary”, pulls the data for the Elastic Load Balancer Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesEc2LoadBalancerSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <TotalLoadBalancers>2</TotalLoadBalancers> <TotalUnusedLoadBalancers>1</TotalUnusedLoadBalancers> <LoadBalancersByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>2</Count> </Group> </LoadBalancersByRegion> <LoadBalancersByAttachedInstanceCount> <Group> <Name>awseb-e-p-AWSFCLoa-2859HSN30FO75</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </LoadBalancersByAttachedInstanceCount> </GetResourcesEc2LoadBalancerSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "TotalLoadBalancers": 2, "TotalUnusedLoadBalancers": 1, "LoadBalancersByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 2 } ], "LoadBalancersByAttachedInstanceCount": [ { "Name": "awseb-e-p-AWSFCLoa-2859HSN30FO75", "Count": 1 } ], "LoadBalancersByAccount": null, "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
EC2 Network Interfaces
The API method, “get_resources_ec2_network_interfaces”, returns a list of EC2 network interfaces.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetEc2NetworkInterfaceDsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken /> <DateOfResults>2017-01-25T20:43:28</DateOfResults> <EC2NetworkInterfaces> <EC2NetworkInterfacesDetails> <Description>Description</Description> <MacAddress>Mac Address</MacAddress> <NetworkInterfaceId>NetworkInterface ID</NetworkInterfaceId> <PrivateDnsName>Private DNS Name</PrivateDnsName> <PrivateIpAddress>Private IP Address</PrivateIpAddress> <RequesterId>Requester ID</RequesterId> <RequesterManaged>Requester Managed</RequesterManaged> <SourceDestCheck>Source Dest Check</SourceDestCheck> <Status>Status</Status> <AssociationId>AssociationId</AssociationId> <AssociationAllocationId>Association Allocation ID</AssociationAllocationId> <AssociationIpOwnerId>Association IP Owner ID</AssociationAllocationId> <AssociationIp >AssociationIp ID</AssociationIp > <Ec2NetworkInterfaceDetails> </Ec2NetworkInterfaces> <GetEc2NetworkInterfaceDsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "Ec2NetworkInterfaceDs" :[ { "Description": "Description", "MacAddress": "MAC Address", "NetworkInterfaceId": "Network Interface ID", "PrivateDnsName": "Private DNS Name", "PrivateIpAddress": "Private IP Address", "RequesterId": "Requester ID", "RequesterManaged": "Requester Managed", "SourceDestCheck": "Source Dest Check", "Status": "Status", "AssociationId": "Association ID", "AssociationIpOwnerId": "Association IP Owner ID", "AssociationIP": "Association IP" } ] }
Get EC2 Reserved Instances V2
The API method, “get_ec2_reserved_instances_v2”, is used to retrieve data from the list of EC2 Reserved Instances reports.
The preferred HTTP method for this call is GET.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
access_key |
string |
required; you can use an admin-level or an account-level access key
date |
DateTime |
optional; identifies the date range for the report
aws_account_ids |
string |
optional; lists the AWS account IDs for the selected accounts
reserved_instance_ids |
string |
optional; provides statistics for specific Reserved Instances (RIs)
under_utilized |
boolean |
optional; lists the active RIs that are not fully utilized |
use_aws_account_id |
string |
*optional/required; the 12-digit AWS account ID (must be payer account) |
use_account |
string |
*optional/required; the name of the CloudCheckr account you are making the call for |
use_cc_account_id |
string |
*optional/required; the CloudCheckr ID of the account you are making the call for |
- use_aws_account_id
- use_account
- use_cc_account_id
curl --request GET \
--header 'cache-control: no-cache'
--header 'content-type: application/[json|xml]' \
<Duration>1 Year</Duration>
<OfferingType>No Upfront</OfferingType>
<RegionName>US West (Oregon)</RegionName>
<TimeLeft>160 Days</TimeLeft>
<Duration>1 Year</Duration>
<OfferingType>No Upfront</OfferingType>
<RegionName>US West (Northern California)</RegionName>
<TimeLeft>13 Days</TimeLeft>
"RegionName":"US West (Oregon)",
"OfferingType":"No Upfront",
"Duration":"1 Year",
"TimeLeft":"160 Days",
"RegionName":"US West (Northern California)",
"OfferingType":"No Upfront",
"Duration":"1 Year",
"TimeLeft":"13 Days",
EC2 Security Group Details
The API method, “get_resources_ec2_security_group_details”, pulls the data for the List of EC2-Classic Security Groups report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- group_ids (optional) – return statistics from specific security groups using their IDs (comma-separated for multiple IDs).
- security_groups (optional) – return statistics from specific security groups using their names (comma-separated for multiple names).
- vpc_ids (optional) – return statistics from specific VPCs (comma-separated for multiple VPCs).
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesEc2SecurityGroupDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-01T17:12:20</DateOfResults> <Ec2SecurityGroups> <Ec2SecurityGroup> <GroupId>sg-32823a49</GroupId> <GroupName>Amazon Linux AMI-2012.09[AutogenByAWSMP]</GroupName> <GroupDescription> This security group was generated by AWS Marketplace. It is based on recommended settings for Amazon Linux AMI version 2012.09 provided by Amazon Web Services. </GroupDescription> <Region>US East (Northern Virginia)</Region> <InboundIps> <Ec2IpPermission> <ProtocolPort>TCP: 22</ProtocolPort> <IpRange></IpRange> </Ec2IpPermission> <Ec2IpPermission> <ProtocolPort>TCP: 80</ProtocolPort> <IpRange></IpRange> </Ec2IpPermission> </InboundIps> <OutboundIps/> <Instances/> </Ec2SecurityGroup>
JSON Example:
{ "Ec2SecurityGroups": [{ "GroupId": "sg-32823a49", "GroupName": "default", "GroupDescription": "default group", "VpcId": null, "Region": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)", "InboundIps": [{ "ProtocolPort": "TCP: 0 - 65535", "IpRange": "" }, { "ProtocolPort": "UDP: 0 - 65535", "IpRange": "" }, { "ProtocolPort": "ICMP: All", "IpRange": "" }], "OutboundIps": [], "Instances": [i - 00e15809], "AwsAccountId": "443094636793 (4430 Account)" }
EC2 Security Group Summary
The API method, “get_resources_ec2_security_group_summary”, pulls the data for the EC2-Classic Security Group Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<DateOfResults>2014-08-02T20:20:43</DateOfResults> <TotalSecurityGroups>107</TotalSecurityGroups> <Ec2SecurityGroupCount>90</Ec2SecurityGroupCount> <VpcSecurityGroupCount>17</VpcSecurityGroupCount> <BroadPortRangeCount>0</BroadPortRangeCount> <BroadIpRangeCount>0</BroadIpRangeCount> <SecurityGroupsByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>78</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>us-west-2</Name> <Count>8</Count> </Group> </SecurityGroupsByRegion>
JSON Example:
{ "TotalSecurityGroups": 155, "Ec2SecurityGroupCount": 137, "VpcSecurityGroupCount": 18, "BroadPortRangeCount": 0, "BroadIpRangeCount": 0, "SecurityGroupsByRegion": [{ "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 88 }, { "Name": "us-west-2", "Count": 14 }, { "Name": "us-west-1", "Count": 15 }, { "Name": "eu-west-1", "Count": 13 }, { "Name": "ap-southeast-1", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "ap-northeast-1", "Count": 7 }, { "Name": "sa-east-1", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "ap-southeast-2", "Count": 6 }], "SecurityGroupByAccount": [{ "Name": "554094636793 (4430 Account)", "Count": 26 }, { "Name": "294698509299 (1836 Account)", "Count": 8 }, { "Name": "326011050627 (2150 Account)", "Count": 108 }, { "Name": "668949322966 (5579 Account)", "Count": 13 }], "DateOfResults": "2014-08-18T20:31:21" }
EC2 Summary
The API method, “get_resources_ec2_summary”, pulls the data for the EC2 Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetResourcesEc2SummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-08-01T22:43:06</DateOfResults> <InstancesCount>31</InstancesCount> <InstancesRunningCount>7</InstancesRunningCount> <EbsVolumesCount>37</EbsVolumesCount> <EbsSnapshotsCount>20</EbsSnapshotsCount> <ElasticIpsCount>5</ElasticIpsCount> <LoadBalancersCount>3</LoadBalancersCount> <KeyPairsCount>14</KeyPairsCount> <PlacementGroupsCount>0</PlacementGroupsCount> <SecurityGroupsCount>154</SecurityGroupsCount> <InstancesByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>17</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>us-west-2</Name> <Count>2</Count> </Group> </InstancesByRegion>
JSON Example:
{ "InstancesCount": 31, "InstancesRunningCount": 4, "EbsVolumesCount": 37, "EbsSnapshotsCount": 20, "ElasticIpsCount": 5, "LoadBalancersCount": 3, "KeyPairsCount": 14, "PlacementGroupsCount": 0, "SecurityGroupsCount": 155, "InstancesByRegion": [{ "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 17 }, { "Name": "us-west-2", "Count": 2 }, { "Name": "us-west-1", "Count": 5 }, { "Name": "eu-west-1", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "ap-southeast-1", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "ap-northeast-1", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "sa-east-1", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "ap-southeast-2", "Count": 1 }], "InstancesByPriceType": [{ "Name": "OnDemand", "Count": 30 }, { "Name": "Reserved", "Count": 1 }], "InstancesByAmi": [{ "Name": "ami-ccd18dd2", "Count": 7 }, { "Name": "ami-gb9e9292", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "ami-2cf9de5e", "Count": 2 }, { "Name": "ami-ddg297fc", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "ami-3b41bf1a", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "Others", "Count": 17 }], "InstancesByPlatform": [{ "Name": "AmazonLinux", "Count": 21 }, { "Name": "Windows", "Count": 5 }, { "Name": "OtherLinux", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "SuseLinux", "Count": 2 }], "InstancesByType": [{ "Name": "t1.micro", "Count": 22 }, { "Name": "m1.small", "Count": 8 }, { "Name": "m3.medium", "Count": 1 }], "InstancesByState": [{ "Name": "stopped", "Count": 27 }, { "Name": "running", "Count": 4 }], "InstancesByAccount": [{ "Name": "326011050627 (2150 Account)", "Count": 19 }, { "Name": "554094636793 (4430 Account)", "Count": 12 }], "DateOfResults": "2014-08-18T20:31:21" }
EC2 VPC Security Group Details
The API method, “get_resources_ec2_vpc_security_group_details”, pulls the data for the list of EC2-VPC Security Groups report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesEc2SecurityGroupDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken/> <DateOfResults>2016-06-22T16:43:09</DateOfResults> <Ec2SecurityGroups> <Ec2SecurityGroup> <GroupId>sg-77cf292d</GroupId> <GroupName>awseb-e-3j3mxc9xq2-stack-AWSEBLoadBalancerSecurityGroup-14SPTZHO5U8ST</GroupName> <GroupDescription>Load Balancer Security Group</GroupDescription <Region>US East (Northern Virginia)</Region> <InboundIps> <Ec2IpPermission> <ProtocolPort>TCP: 80</ProtocolPort> <IpRange></IpRange> </Ec2IpPermission> </InboundIps> <OutboundIps> <Ec2IpPermission> <ProtocolPort>TCP: 80</ProtocolPort> <IpRange></IpRange> </Ec2IpPermission> </OutboundIps> <Instances/> </Ec2SecurityGroup>
JSON Example:
{ "Ec2SecurityGroups": [ { "GroupId": "sg-77cf292d", "GroupName": "awseb-e-2j3mxc8xq2-stack-AWSEBLoadBalancerSecurityGroup-14SPTZHO5U8ST", "GroupDescription": "Load Balancer Security Group", "VpcId": null, "Region": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "InboundIps": [ { "ProtocolPort": "TCP: 80", "IpRange": "" } ], "OutboundIps": [ { "ProtocolPort": "TCP: 80", "IpRange": "" } ], "Instances": [], "AccountName": null },
Elastic Beanstalk Details
The API method, “get_resources_elasticbeanstalk_details”, pulls the data for the Elastic Beanstalk Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesElasticBeanstalkDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <ElasticBeanstalkDetails> <ElasticBeanstalk> <ApplicationName>My First Elastic Beanstalk Application</ApplicationName> <DateCreated>2014-02-13T15:39:34</DateCreated> <DateUpdated>2014-02-13T15:39:34</DateUpdated> <Versions>Sample Application</Versions> <RegionName>US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionName> <ElasticBeanstalkEnvironments> <ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDs> <CNAME>Default-Environment-j8divmcd3a.elasticbeanstalk.com</CNAME> <EnvironmentId>e-pdy8jbgjzy</EnvironmentId> <EnvironmentName>Default-Environment</EnvironmentName> <Health>Green</Health> <Status>Ready</Status> <VersionLabel>Sample Application</VersionLabel> </ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentDs> </ElasticBeanstalkEnvironments> </ElasticBeanstalk> </ElasticBeanstalkDetails> </GetResourcesElasticBeanstalkDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "ElasticBeanstalkDetails": [ { "ApplicationName": "My First Elastic Beanstalk Application", "ConfigurationTemplates": null, "DateCreated": "2014-02-13T15:39:34", "DateUpdated": "2014-02-13T15:39:34", "Description": null, "Versions": "Sample Application", "RegionName": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "ElasticBeanstalkEnvironments": [ { "CNAME": "Default-Environment-j8divmcd3a.elasticbeanstalk.com", "EnvironmentId": "e-pdy8jbgjzy", "EnvironmentName": "Default-Environment", "Health": "Green", "Status": "Ready", "VersionLabel": "Sample Application" } ], "AwsAccountId": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
Elastic Beanstalk Summary
The API method, “get_resources_elasticbeanstalk_summary”, pulls the data for the Elastic Beanstalk Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return statistics from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent data will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesElasticBeanstalkSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <EnviornmentCount>1</EnviornmentCount> <ApplicationCount>1</ApplicationCount> <EnviornmentsByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </EnviornmentsByRegion> <ApplicationsByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </ApplicationsByRegion> <EnviornmentsByAccount/> <ApplicationsByAccount/> </GetResourcesElasticBeanstalkSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "EnviornmentCount": 1, "ApplicationCount": 1, "EnviornmentsByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 1 } ], "ApplicationsByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 1 } ], "EnviornmentsByAccount": [ ], "ApplicationsByAccount": [ ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
Elasticache Cluster Details
The API method, “get_resources_elasticache_clusters_details”, pulls the data for the ElastiCache Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesElastiCacheClusterDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <ElastiCacheClusterDetails> <ElastiCacheCluster> <ClusterId>rrr</ClusterId> <RegionName>us-east-1</RegionName> <Created>2013-05-29T19:28:27</Created> <Status>available</Status> <NodeType>cache.t1.micro</NodeType> <ConfigurationEndpoint>rrr.xz5prb.cfg.use1.cache.amazonaws.com:11211</ConfigurationEndpoint> <PreferredAvailabilityZone>us-east-1a</PreferredAvailabilityZone> <PreferredMaintenanceWindow>thu:03:00-thu:04:00</PreferredMaintenanceWindow> <Engine>memcached</Engine> <EngineVersion>1.4.5</EngineVersion> <AutoMinorVersionUpgrade>false</AutoMinorVersionUpgrade> <ParameterGroupName>default.memcached1.4</ParameterGroupName> <ParameterGroupApplyStatus>in-sync</ParameterGroupApplyStatus> <SecurityGroups>default (active)</SecurityGroups> <MonthlyCost>31.680</MonthlyCost> <Nodes> <EcNodeDs> <Id>47618</Id> <CreateTime>2013-05-29T19:28:27</CreateTime> <CacheNodeId>0001</CacheNodeId> <CacheNodeStatus>available</CacheNodeStatus> <ParameterGroupStatus>in-sync</ParameterGroupStatus> <EndpointAddress>rrr.xz5prb.0001.use1.cache.amazonaws.com</EndpointAddress> <EndpointPort>11211</EndpointPort> <FixedPrice>0.000</FixedPrice> <UsagePrice>0.022</UsagePrice> <TotalCost>0</TotalCost> <PricingType>OnDemand</PricingType> </EcNodeDs> <EcNodeDs> <Id>47619</Id> <CreateTime>2013-05-29T19:28:27</CreateTime> <CacheNodeId>0002</CacheNodeId> <CacheNodeStatus>available</CacheNodeStatus> <ParameterGroupStatus>in-sync</ParameterGroupStatus> <EndpointAddress>rrr.xz5prb.0002.use1.cache.amazonaws.com</EndpointAddress> <EndpointPort>11211</EndpointPort> <FixedPrice>0.000</FixedPrice> <UsagePrice>0.022</UsagePrice> <TotalCost>0</TotalCost> <PricingType>OnDemand</PricingType> </EcNodeDs> </Nodes> </ElastiCacheCluster> </ElastiCacheClusterDetails> </GetResourcesElastiCacheClusterDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "ElastiCacheClusterDetails": [ { "ClusterId": "rrr", "RegionName": "us-east-1", "Created": "2013-05-29T19:28:27", "Status": "available", "NodeType": "cache.t1.micro", "ConfigurationEndpoint": "rrr.xz5prb.cfg.use1.cache.amazonaws.com:11211", "PreferredAvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "thu:03:00-thu:04:00", "Engine": "memcached", "EngineVersion": "1.4.5", "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": false, "NotificationConfigurationTopicArn": null, "NotificationConfigurationTopicStatus": null, "ParameterGroupName": "default.memcached1.4", "ParameterGroupApplyStatus": "in-sync", "SecurityGroups": "default (active)", "MonthlyCost": 31.68, "Nodes": [ { "Id": 47618, "CreateTime": "2013-05-29T19:28:27", "CacheNodeId": "0001", "CacheNodeStatus": "available", "ParameterGroupStatus": "in-sync", "EndpointAddress": "rrr.xz5prb.0001.use1.cache.amazonaws.com", "EndpointPort": 11211, "ReservationId": null, "FixedPrice": 0, "UsagePrice": 0.022, "TotalCost": 0, "PricingType": 0 }, { "Id": 47619, "CreateTime": "2013-05-29T19:28:27", "CacheNodeId": "0002", "CacheNodeStatus": "available", "ParameterGroupStatus": "in-sync", "EndpointAddress": "rrr.xz5prb.0002.use1.cache.amazonaws.com", "EndpointPort": 11211, "ReservationId": null, "FixedPrice": 0, "UsagePrice": 0.022, "TotalCost": 0, "PricingType": 0 } ], "AwsAccountId": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
Elasticache Summary
The API method, “get_resources_elasticache_summary”, pulls the data for the ElastiCache Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return statistics from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent data will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesElastiCacheSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <TotalClusters>1</TotalClusters> <TotalNodes>2</TotalNodes> <TotalReservedNodes>0</TotalReservedNodes> <TotalSecurityGroups>9</TotalSecurityGroups> <TotalParameterGroups>25</TotalParameterGroups> <ClustersByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </ClustersByRegion> <NodesByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>2</Count> </Group> </NodesByRegion> <NodesByType> <Group> <Name>cache.t1.micro</Name> <Count>2</Count> </Group> </NodesByType> <NodesByAccount/> <ClustersByAccount/> </GetResourcesElastiCacheSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "TotalClusters": 1, "TotalNodes": 2, "TotalReservedNodes": 0, "TotalSecurityGroups": 9, "TotalParameterGroups": 25, "ClustersByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 1 } ], "NodesByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 2 } ], "NodesByType": [ { "Name": "cache.t1.micro", "Count": 2 } ], "NodesByAccount": [ ], "ClustersByAccount": [ ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
Elastic MapReduce Details
The API method, “get_resources_elasticmapreduce_details”, pulls the data for the list of Elastic MapReduces report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
JSON Example:
Elastic MapReduce Summary
The API method, “get_resources_elasticmapreduce_summary”, pulls the data for the Elastic MapReduce Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return statistics from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent data will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
JSON Example:
Find Resources
The API method, “find_resources”, is used to generate a list of accounts that use a selected resource.
The preferred HTTP method for this call is GET.
Parameter | Type | Description |
access_key | string | required; admin-level access key |
resource_type | string | required; identifies the AWS service or the IP address where the resource was launched The following services are valid resource types: Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastic MapReduce(EMR), and Relational Database Service (RDS). You can also use a valid IP address for the resource type.
resource_id | string | required; the unique identifier that AWS assigns to the resource |
date | DateTime | optional; select if you want CloudCheckr to include the date the list was generated |
use_aws_account_id | string | *optional/required; the 12-digit AWS account ID for the CloudCheckr account you are making the call for |
use_account | string | *optional/required; the name of the CloudCheckr account you are making the call for |
use_cc_account_id | string | *optional/required; the CloudCheckr ID of the account you are making the call for |
- use_aws_account_id
- use_account
- use_cc_account_id
curl -- request GET \
-- 'https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.[json|xml]/find_resources?access_key=your_admin_access_key&resource_id=v1236575F53xxxxx&resource_type=EC2&date'\
-- header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-- header 'content-type: application/[json|xml]' \
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<resource_type>EC2 Instance</resource_type>
<account_name>Test Payer 1</account_name>
<account_name>Test Payer 2</account_name>
"resource_type": "EC2 Instance",
"ResourceAccounts": [
"account_name": "Test Payer 1",
"date_found": "8/28/2020"
"account_name": "Test Payer 2",
"date_found": "8/28/2020"
Glacier Details
The API method, “get_resources_glacier_details”, pulls the data for the Glacier Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesGlacierDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <GlacierDetails> <Glacier> <CreationDate>2013-05-30T20:49:45</CreationDate> <LastInventoryDate xsi:nil="true"/> <NumberOfArchives>0</NumberOfArchives> <SizeInBytes>0</SizeInBytes> <VaultArn>arn:aws:glacier:us-east-1:326011050627:vaults/dddd</VaultArn> <VaultName>dddd</VaultName> <MonthlyPrice>0.00000000</MonthlyPrice> <RegionName>US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionName> <Jobs/> </Glacier> </GlacierDetails> </GetResourcesGlacierDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "GlacierDetails": [ { "CreationDate": "2013-05-30T20:49:45", "LastInventoryDate": null, "NumberOfArchives": 0, "SizeInBytes": 0, "VaultArn": "arn:aws:glacier:us-east-1:326011050627:vaults\/dddd", "VaultName": "dddd", "SNSTopicArn": null, "Events": null, "MonthlyPrice": 0, "RegionName": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "Jobs": [ ], "AwsAccountId": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
Glacier Summary
The API method, “get_resources_glacier_summary”, pulls the data for the Glacier Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return statistics from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent data will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesGlacierSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <TotalVaults>4</TotalVaults> <TotalBytes>3149998145</TotalBytes> <TotalArchives>10</TotalArchives> <TotalCost>0.02933663</TotalCost> <StorageByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>3149998145</Count> </Group> </StorageByRegion> <ArchivesByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>10</Count> </Group> </ArchivesByRegion> <StorageByVault> <Group> <Name>mikeuploadtest</Name> <Count>3149154319</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>test</Name> <Count>843826</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>dddd</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>eeeee</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> </StorageByVault> <ArchivesByVault> <Group> <Name>testnewman</Name> <Count>6</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>mikeuploadtest</Name> <Count>4</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>dddd</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>eeeee</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> </ArchivesByVault> <StorageByAccount/> <ArchivesByAccount/> </GetResourcesGlacierSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "TotalVaults": 4, "TotalBytes": 3149998145, "TotalArchives": 10, "TotalCost": 0.02933663, "StorageByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 3149998145 } ], "ArchivesByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 10 } ], "StorageByVault": [ { "Name": "mikeuploadtest", "Count": 3149154319 }, { "Name": "test", "Count": 843826 }, { "Name": "dddd", "Count": 0 }, { "Name": "eeeee", "Count": 0 } ], "ArchivesByVault": [ { "Name": "testnewman", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "mikeuploadtest", "Count": 4 }, { "Name": "dddd", "Count": 0 }, { "Name": "eeeee", "Count": 0 } ], "StorageByAccount": [ ], "ArchivesByAccount": [ ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
IAM Groups
The API method, “get_resources_iam_groups”,returns information pertaining to the IAM user groups associated with a selected AWS account.
Sample XML Call:
https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.xml/get_resources_iam_groups?access_key=[API Access Key]
Sample JSON Call:
https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.json/get_resources_iam_groups?access_key=[API Access Key]
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesIamGroupsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken/> <DateOfResults>2015-06-01T18:29:53</DateOfResults> <IamGroupsDetails> <IamGroups> <PolicyDetails> <IamGroupPoliciesDs> <Id>328876</Id> <PolicyName>AdministratorAccess-Admins-201710010833</PolicyName> <Version>2012-10-17T00:00:00</Version> <AccountName>326011050738</AccountName> <Statements> <IamGroupPolicyStatementDs> <Id>255627</Id> <Effect>Allow</Effect> <Actions> <IamGroupPolicyActionsDs> <Action>*</Action> </IamGroupPolicyActionsDs> </Actions> <Resources> <IamGroupResourcesDs> <Resources>*</Resources> </IamGroupResourcesDs> </Resources> </IamGroupPolicyStatementDs> </Statements> </IamGroupPoliciesDs> </PolicyDetails> <Users> <IamAwsUser> <UserName>abrown</UserName> <Id>282864</Id> </IamAwsUser> <IamAwsUser> <UserName>Amanda</UserName> <Id>282868</Id> </IamAwsUser> <IamAwsUser> <UserName>bob</UserName> <Id>333876</Id> </IamAwsUser> <IamAwsUser> <UserName>bob</UserName> <Id>444880</Id> </IamAwsUser> <IamAwsUser> <UserName>derek</UserName> <Id>171222</Id> </IamAwsUser> </Users> <PartyId>AGPAIEABGO47EPV4EUB3K</PartyId> <Name>Admins</Name> <Arn>arn:aws:iam::326411050999:group/Admins</Arn> <Path>/</Path> </IamGroups> </IamGroupsDetails> </GetResourcesIamGroupsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "IamGroupsDetails":[ { "PolicyDetails":[ { "Id":556876, "PolicyName":"AdministratorAccess-Admins-201210010923", "Version":"2012-10-17T00:00:00", "AccountName":"326511050333", "Statements":[ { "Id":255627, "Effect":"Allow", "Actions":[ { "Action":"*" } ], "Resources":[ { "Resources":"*" } ] } ] } ], "Users":[ { "UserName":"gettings", "Id":171864 }, { "UserName":"Amanda", "Id":233868 }, { "UserName":"bob", "Id":489876 }, { "UserName":"bob", "Id":489876 }, }, { "UserName":"derek", "Id":668891 }, { "UserName":"GlacierFull", "Id":233897 }, { "UserName":"marcelo", "Id":678901 }, { "UserName":"brice", "Id":113902 }, { "UserName":"lisnoff", "Id":171832 }, { "UserName":"sebastian", "Id":171776 }, { "UserName":"tyler.schoen", "Id":171838 }, { "UserName":"shah", "Id":171635 }, { "UserName":"Vhardaman", "Id":171938 }, { "UserName":"waldo", "Id":343930 } ], "PartyId":"AGPAIEABGO47EPV4EUB3K", "Name":"Admins", "Arn":"arn:aws:iam::326411050777:group/Admins", "Path":"/", "AccountName":null, "AwsAccountId":null }, ], "DateOfResults":"2015-06-01T18:29:53", "HasNext":false, "NextToken":"" }
IAM Policies
The API method, “get_resources_iam_policies”, returns information from the IAM policies associated with a selected AWS account.
Sample XML Call:
https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.xml/get_resources_iam_policies?access_key=[API Access Key]
Sample JSON Call:
https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.json/get_resources_iam_policies?access_key=[API Access Key]
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesIamPoliciesResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken/> <DateOfResults>2015-06-01T18:29:53</DateOfResults> <IamPoliciesDetails> <IamPolicies> <PolicyName>AdministratorAccess-Admins-201810010823</PolicyName> <Version>2012-10-17T00:00:00</Version> <Type>Group Policy</Type> <Statements> <IamCommonStatements> <Id>255627</Id> <Effect>Allow</Effect> <Actions> <string>*</string> </Actions> <Resources> <string>*</string> </Resources> </IamCommonStatements> </Statements> </IamPolicies> </IamPoliciesDetails> </GetResourcesIamPoliciesResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "IamPoliciesDetails": [ { "PolicyName": "AllowAdministratorsToManageDataPipeline", "Version": "2018-10-17T00:00:00", "Type": "Group Policy", "Statements": [ { "Id": 9826764, "Effect": "Allow", "Actions": [ "datapipeline:ActivatePipeline", "datapipeline:CreatePipeline", "datapipeline:DeactivatePipeline", "datapipeline:DeletePipeline", "datapipeline:PollForTask", "datapipeline:PutPipelineDefinition", "datapipeline:QueryObjects", "datapipeline:ReportTaskProgress", "datapipeline:ReportTaskRunnerHeartbeat", "datapipeline:SetStatus", "datapipeline:SetTaskStatus", "datapipeline:*Tag*", "datapipeline:ValidatePipelineDefinition" ], "Resources": ["*"] } ], "UserDetail": null, "GroupDetail": null, "RoleDetail": null, "AccountName": null }
IAM Roles
The API method, “get_resources_iam_roles”, returns information about the IAM roles associated with a selected AWS account.
Sample XML Call:
https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.xml/get_resources_iam_roles?access_key=[API Access Key]
Sample JSON Call:
https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.json/get_resources_iam_roles?access_key=[API Access Key]
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesIamRolesResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken/> <DateOfResults>2015-06-01T18:29:53</DateOfResults> <IamRolesDetails> <IamRoles> <RoleName>DEVBox</RoleName> <RoleId>AROAJ7YAOICG5T7HWNQRE</RoleId> <Path>/</Path> <AssumePolicyDocument> {"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Sid":"","Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"Service":"ec2.amazonaws.com"},"Action":"sts:AssumeRole"}]} </AssumePolicyDocument> <Arn>arn:aws:iam::326411050999:role/AaronDEVBox</Arn> <CreateDate>2014-07-08T20:26:05</CreateDate> <Policies> <IamRolePolicyDs> <Id>36857</Id> <PolicyName>policygen-AaronDEVBox-201407081625</PolicyName> <Version>0001-01-01T00:00:00</Version> <AccountName>326411050999</AccountName> <Statements> <IamRolePolicyStatementDs> <Id>55510</Id> <Effect>Allow</Effect> <Resources> <IamRoleResourceDs> <Resources>ec2:DeleteTags</Resources> </IamRoleResourceDs> </Resources> <Actions> <IamRoleactionDs> <Action>ec2:DeleteTags</Action> </IamRoleactionDs> </Actions> </IamRolePolicyStatementDs> </Statements> </IamRolePolicyDs> </Policies> </IamRoles> </iamroledetails> </GetResourcesIamRolesResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "IamRolesDetails":[ { "RoleName":"DEVBox", "RoleId":"AROAJ7YAOICG5T7HWNQRE", "Path":"/", "AssumePolicyDocument":"{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Sid\":\"\",\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"},\"Action\":\"sts:AssumeRole\"}]}", "Arn":"arn:aws:iam::215011050627:role/AaronDEVBox", "CreateDate":"2014-07-08T20:26:05", "AccountName":null, "Policies":[ { "Id":36757, "PolicyName":"policygen-AaronDEVBox-201407081625", "Version":"0001-01-01T00:00:00", "AccountName":"325511050875", "Statements":[ { "Id":36757, "Effect":"Allow", "Resources":[ { "Resources":"ec2:DeleteTags" } ], "Actions":[ { "Action":"ec2:DeleteTags" } ] } ] } ], "AwsAccountId":null }, "DateOfResults":"2015-06-01T18:29:53", "HasNext":false, "NextToken":"" }
IAM Users
The API method, “get_resources_iam_users”, returns information on all of the IAM users associated with a specific account.
Sample XML Call:
https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.xml/get_resources_iam_users?access_key=[API Access Key]
Sample JSON Call:
https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.json/get_resources_iam_users?access_key=[API Access Key]
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesIamUsersResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken/> <DateOfResults>2015-06-01T18:29:53</DateOfResults> <IamUsersDetails> <IamUsers> <UserName>2014Permissions</UserName> <LastModified>2013-11-20T21:36:16</LastModified> <HasMfa>false</HasMfa> <Groups> <IamGroupDs> <Name>Permissions</Name> <Id>282953</Id> </IamGroupDs> </Groups> <AccessKeys> <IamAccessKeyDs> <AccessKeyId>87uytftry867t78g687H/TMThEpXxDk4RQaFIbInrHZI=</AccessKeyId> <Status>Active</Status> <CreateDate>2013-11-20T21:36:17</CreateDate> </IamAccessKeyDs> </AccessKeys> <MfaDevices/> <Policies/> </IamUsers> </IamUsersDetails> </GetResourcesIamUsersResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "IamUsersDetails":[ { "UserName":"2014Permissions", "LastModified":"2013-11-20T21:36:16", "AccountName":null, "HasMfa":false, "Groups":[ { "Name":"Permissions", "Id":123456 } ], "AccessKeys":[ { "AccessKeyId":"jyrd76KUT/IUYGd66yg98uih", "Status":"Active", "CreateDate":"2013-11-20T21:36:17", "VectorKey":"5154164685485" } ], "MfaDevices":[], "Policies":[], "AwsAccountId":null }, { "UserName":"gettings", "LastModified":"2012-10-01T13:14:38", "AccountName":null, "HasMfa":false, "Groups":[ { "Name":"Admins", "Id":123456 }], { "UserName":"waldo", "LastModified":"2012-10-16T12:12:16", "AccountName":null, "HasMfa":false, "Groups":[ { "Name":"Admins", "Id":123456 }], "AccessKeys":[ { "AccessKeyId":[access key ID], "Status":"Active", "CreateDate":"2013-07-04T18:59:37", }, { "AccessKeyId":"[access key ID]", "Status":"Active", "CreateDate":"2012-10-16T12:12:16", }], "MfaDevices":[], "Policies":[ { "PolicyName":"AWSAccountActivityAccess-waldo-201812111431", "PolicyId":123456 }], "AwsAccountId":null }], "DateOfResults":"2015-06-01T18:29:53", "HasNext":false, "NextToken":"" }
Network ACL Details
The API method, “get_resources_network_acl_details”, pulls the data for the List of Network ACLs report in CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetResourcesNetworkAclDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken /> <DateOfResults>2017-01-25T20:43:28</DateOfResults> <NetworkAcls> <NetworkAclDetails> <NetworkAclId>acl-2222aa2b</NetworkAclId> <RegionName>EU (Frankfurt)</RegionName> <VpcId>vpc-2b1aab23</VpcId> <SubnetIds>"subnet-13b23456","subnet-12a23456"</SubnetIds> <IPAddresses>""</IPAddresses> <PortsFromInbound>"ALL"</PortsFromInbound> <PortsToInbound>"ALL"</PortsToInbound> <PortsFromOutbound>"ALL"<</PortsFromOutbound> <PortsToOutbound>"ALL"</PortsToOutbound> <Protocols>"ALL"</Protocols> <RuleActions>[]</RuleActions> <AccountName>null</AccountName> <DateOfResults>2015-11-06T13:35:41</DateOfResults> <HasNext>false</HasNext> </NetworkAclsDetails> </NetworkAcls> </GetResourcesNetworkAclDetailsResponse>
Network ACL Summary
The API method, “get_resources_network_acl_summary”, pulls the data for the Network ACL Summary report in CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
JSON Example:
{ "TotalNetworkAcls":2,"TotalInboundRules":4,"TotalOutbounRules":4,"AclsByVpc": [{ "Name":"vpc-1aaa11b1","Count":1 }, { "Name":"vpc-3b1bbc44","Count":1 }], "VpcAclsByRegion": [{ "Name":"us-east-1","Count":1 }, { "Name":"eu-central-1","Count":1 }], "VpcAclsByAccount":[],"DateOfResults":"2015-11-05T20:28:36" }
RDS Backup Details
The API method, “get_resources_rds_backup_details”, pulls the data from the list of RDS Backup report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesRDSBackupDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <RdsBackupDetails> <RdsDbBackup> <Name>tester</Name> <RegionName>US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionName> <EngineVersion>5.6.13</EngineVersion> <DBInstanceClass>db.t1.micro</DBInstanceClass> <HasBackups>false</HasBackups> <HasSnapshots>false</HasSnapshots> <MostRecentSnapshot xsi:nil="true"/> <BackupRetentionPeriod>0</BackupRetentionPeriod> <PreferredBackupWindow>05:32-06:02</PreferredBackupWindow> </RdsDbBackup> </RdsBackupDetails> </GetResourcesRDSBackupDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "RdsBackupDetails": [ { "Name": "tester", "RegionName": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "EngineVersion": "5.6.13", "DBInstanceClass": "db.t1.micro", "HasBackups": false, "HasSnapshots": false, "MostRecentSnapshot": null, "BackupRetentionPeriod": 0, "PreferredBackupWindow": "05:32-06:02", "AwsAccountId": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
RDS Backup Summary
The API method, “get_resources_rds_backup_summary”, pulls the data for the RDS Backup Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesRDSBackupSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <NoBackupsCount>0</NoBackupsCount> <NoBackupsNoSnapshotsCount>1</NoBackupsNoSnapshotsCount> <NoBackupsOldSnapshotsCount>0</NoBackupsOldSnapshotsCount> <AutomaticBackupsCount>0</AutomaticBackupsCount> <BackupCoverageByType> <Group> <Name>Total DB Instances without Automated Backups</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>Total DB Instances without Automated Backups or Snapshot </Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>Total DB Instances without Automated Backups and Older Snapshots </Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>Total DB Instances with Automated Backups</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> </BackupCoverageByType> </GetResourcesRDSBackupSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "NoBackupsCount": 0, "NoBackupsNoSnapshotsCount": 1, "NoBackupsOldSnapshotsCount": 0, "AutomaticBackupsCount": 0, "BackupCoverageByType": [ { "Name": "Total DB Instances without Automated Backups", "Count": 0 }, { "Name": "Total DB Instances without Automated Backups or Snapshot", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "Total DB Instances without Automated Backups and Older Snapshots", "Count": 0 }, { "Name": "Total DB Instances with Automated Backups", "Count": 0 } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
RDS Details
The API method, “get_resources_rds_details”, pulls the data from the list of DB Instances report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- instance_ids (optional) – return statistics for specific RDS DBs (comma-separated for multiple DBs).
- resource_tags (optional) – returns statistics from DBs containing specific tags (can be just tag key, or key/value pairs formatted as key:value; comma-separated for multiple tags).
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<DateOfResults>2014-08-01T22:43:06</DateOfResults> <RdsDbInstances> <RdsDbInstance> <AwsAccountId>442194637884 (4430 Account)</AwsAccountId> <DbInstanceId>ritest</DbInstanceId> <DbInstanceName>ORCL</DbInstanceName> <DbInstanceStatus>available</DbInstanceStatus> <MonthlyCost>18.000</MonthlyCost> <RegionName>us-west-2</RegionName> <PricingType>On-Demand</PricingType> <DbInstanceClass>db.t1.micro</DbInstanceClass> <Engine>oracle-se</Engine> <EngineVersion></EngineVersion> <LicenseModel>bring-your-own-license</LicenseModel> <AllocatedStorageGB>10</AllocatedStorageGB> <FreeStorageSpaceBytes>8871086216.5333328</FreeStorageSpaceBytes> <IOPS xsi:nil="true"/> <Endpoint>ritest.crgg3gtp6zqw.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com:1521 </Endpoint> <Created>2014-05-05T16:31:10</Created> <LatestRestorableTime xsi:nil="true"/> <BackupRetentionPeriod>0</BackupRetentionPeriod> <AvgCpuLast2Days>10.160559027777779</AvgCpuLast2Days> <AvgCpuLast7Days>9.8790065412258716</AvgCpuLast7Days> <AvgCpuLast30Days>9.9286392249230513</AvgCpuLast30Days> <AvgCpuLast90Days>9.7130150703387237</AvgCpuLast90Days> <HoursCpuUtilAbove80>0</HoursCpuUtilAbove80> <HoursCpuUtilBelow80>0</HoursCpuUtilBelow80> <HoursCpuUtilBelow60>0</HoursCpuUtilBelow60> <HoursCpuUtilBelow40>0</HoursCpuUtilBelow40> <HoursCpuUtilBelow20>720</HoursCpuUtilBelow20> <HoursUnderUtilizedLast7Days xsi:nil="true"/> <HoursUnderUtilizedLast30Days xsi:nil="true"/> <HoursUnderUtilizedLast90Days xsi:nil="true"/> <HoursOverUtilizedLast7Days xsi:nil="true"/> <HoursOverUtilizedLast30Days xsi:nil="true"/> <HoursOverUtilizedLast90Days xsi:nil="true"/> <MinimumCpuUtilization>8.8589999999999964</MinimumCpuUtilization> <MinimumCpuUtilizationTime>2014-08-10T04:00:00</MinimumCpuUtilizationTime> <PeakCpuUtilization>13.751333333333331</PeakCpuUtilization> <PeakCpuUtilizationTime>2014-08-02T22:00:00</PeakCpuUtilizationTime> <ResourceTags> <ResourceTag> <Key>workload-type</Key> <Value>other</Value> </ResourceTag> </ResourceTags> </RdsDbInstance> </RdsDbInstances>
JSON Example:
{ "RdsDbInstances": [{ "DbInstanceId": "ritest", "DbInstanceName": "ORCL", "DbInstanceStatus": "available", "MonthlyCost": 18.000, "RegionName": "us-west-2", "PricingType": "On-Demand", "DbInstanceClass": "db.t1.micro", "Engine": "oracle-se", "EngineVersion": "", "LicenseModel": "bring-your-own-license", "AllocatedStorageGB": 10, "FreeStorageSpaceBytes": 8862608861.8666668, "IOPS": null, "Endpoint": "ritest.crgg3gtp6zqw.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com:1521", "Created": "2014-05-05T16:31:10", "LatestRestorableTime": null, "BackupRetentionPeriod": 0, "AvgCpuLast2Days": 10.868954861111108, "AvgCpuLast7Days": 9.88341765873016, "AvgCpuLast30Days": 9.96014848418232, "AvgCpuLast90Days": 9.7666016338416277, "HoursCpuUtilAbove80": 0, "HoursCpuUtilBelow80": 0, "HoursCpuUtilBelow60": 0, "HoursCpuUtilBelow40": 0, "HoursCpuUtilBelow20": 720, "HoursUnderUtilizedLast7Days": null, "HoursUnderUtilizedLast30Days": null, "HoursUnderUtilizedLast90Days": null, "HoursOverUtilizedLast7Days": null, "HoursOverUtilizedLast30Days": null, "HoursOverUtilizedLast90Days": null, "MinimumCpuUtilization": 8.8589999999999964, "MinimumCpuUtilizationTime": "2014-08-10T04:00:00", "PeakCpuUtilization": 13.808833333333332, "PeakCpuUtilizationTime": "2014-08-17T22:00:00", "ResourceTags": [{ "Key": "workload-type", "Value": "other" }], "AwsAccountId": "664094638899 (4430 Account)" }], "DateOfResults": "2014-08-18T20:31:21" }
RDS Parameter Group Details
The API method, “get_resources_rds_parameter_group_details”, pulls the data for the RDS Parameter Group Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesRDSParameterGroupDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken/> <DateOfResults>2015-12-01T15:30:49</DateOfResults> <RdsParameterGroupDetails> <RdsParameterGroup> <Name>aaron</Name> <Family>sqlserver-web-10.5</Family> <RdsDbInstances/> </RdsParameterGroup> <RdsParameterGroupDetails> <GetResourcesRDSParameterGroupDetailsResponse >
JSON Example:
{ "RdsParameterGroupDetails":[ { "Name":"aaron", "Family":"sqlserver-web-10.5", "RdsDbInstances":[ ], "AccountName":null } ], "DateOfResults":"2015-12-01T15:30:49", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
RDS Parameter Group Summary
The API method, “get_resources_rds_parameter_group_summary”, pulls the data for the RDS Parameter Group Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesRDSParameterGroupSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <ParameterGroupCount>13</ParameterGroupCount> <ParameterGroupByFamily> <Group> <Name>mysql5.5</Name> <Count>4</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>mysql5.6</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>oracle-se1-11.2</Name> <Count>2</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>postgres9.3</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>sqlserver-ee-11.0</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>sqlserver-ex-10.5</Name> <Count>2</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>sqlserver-ex-11.0</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>sqlserver-se-11.0</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </ParameterGroupByFamily> <ParameterGroupByInstance> <Group> <Name>tester</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </ParameterGroupByInstance> </GetResourcesRDSParameterGroupSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "ParameterGroupCount": 13, "ParameterGroupByFamily": [ { "Name": "mysql5.5", "Count": 4 }, { "Name": "mysql5.6", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "oracle-se1-11.2", "Count": 2 }, { "Name": "postgres9.3", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "sqlserver-ee-11.0", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "sqlserver-ex-10.5", "Count": 2 }, { "Name": "sqlserver-ex-11.0", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "sqlserver-se-11.0", "Count": 1 } ], "ParameterGroupByInstance": [ { "Name": "tester", "Count": 1 } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42"
RDS Security Group Details
The API method, “get_resources_rds_security_group_details”, pulls the data for the RDS Security Group Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesRDSSecurityGroupDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <RdsSecurityGroupDetails> <RdsSecurityGroup> <Name>default</Name> <Region>EU (Ireland)</Region> <RdsSecurityGroupDetails/> <RdsDbInstances/> </RdsSecurityGroup> <RdsSecurityGroup> <Name>default</Name> <Region>Asia Pacific (Singapore)</Region> <RdsSecurityGroupDetails/> <RdsDbInstances/> </RdsSecurityGroup> </RdsSecurityGroupDetails> </GetResourcesRDSSecurityGroupDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "RdsSecurityGroupDetails": [ { "Name": "ddd", "Region": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "RdsSecurityGroupDetails": [ { "Status": "authorized", "CIDRIP": "\/0" }, { "Status": "authorized", "CIDRIP": "\/0" }, { "Status": "authorized", "CIDRIP": "\/32" }, { "Status": "authorized", "CIDRIP": "\/32" } ], "RdsDbInstances": [ ], "AwsAccountId": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
RDS Security Group Summary
The API method, “get_resources_rds_security_group_summary,” pulls the data for the RDS Security Group Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesRDSSecurityGroupSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <SecurityGroupCount>12</SecurityGroupCount> <SecurityGroupsInUseCount>1</SecurityGroupsInUseCount> <SecurityGroupByVPC/> <SecurityGroupByInstance> <Group> <Name>tester</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </SecurityGroupByInstance> </GetResourcesRDSSecurityGroupSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "SecurityGroupCount": 12, "SecurityGroupsInUseCount": 1, "SecurityGroupByVPC": [ ], "SecurityGroupByInstance": [ { "Name": "tester", "Count": 1 } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
RDS Snapshot Details
The API method, “get_resources_rds_snapshot_details”, pulls the data for the RDS Snapshot Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesRDSSnapshotDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <RdsSnapshotDetails> <RdsSnapshot> <Snapshot>backuptest1</Snapshot> <RegionName>US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionName> <DBInstanceIdentifier>backuptest</DBInstanceIdentifier> <SnapshotType>manual</SnapshotType> <Status>available</Status> <SnapshotCreateTime>2014-07-17T14:09:14</SnapshotCreateTime> <Engine>sqlserver-se</Engine> </RdsSnapshot> </RdsSnapshotDetails> </GetResourcesRDSSnapshotDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "RdsSnapshotDetails": [ { "Snapshot": "backuptest1", "RegionName": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "DBInstanceIdentifier": "backuptest", "SnapshotType": "manual", "Status": "available", "SnapshotCreateTime": "2014-07-17T14:09:14", "Engine": "sqlserver-se", "AwsAccountId": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
RDS Snapshot Summary
The API method, “get_resources_rds_snapshot_summary”, pulls the data for the RDS Snapshot Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesRDSSnapshotSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <SnapshotsCount>7</SnapshotsCount> <SnapshotsByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>7</Count> </Group> </SnapshotsByRegion> <SnapshotsByInstanceType> <Group> <Name>manual</Name> <Count>7</Count> </Group> </SnapshotsByInstanceType> <SnapshotsByAge/> </GetResourcesRDSSnapshotSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "SnapshotsCount": 7, "SnapshotsByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 7 } ], "SnapshotsByInstanceType": [ { "Name": "manual", "Count": 7 } ], "SnapshotsByAge": [ ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
RDS Summary
The API method, “get_resources_rds_summary”, pulls the data for the RDS Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<DateOfResults>2014-08-01T22:43:06</DateOfResults> <DBInstanceCount>1</DBInstanceCount> <DBSecurityGroupCount>24</DBSecurityGroupCount> <ReservedDBInstanceCount>1</ReservedDBInstanceCount> <DBParameterGroupCount>5</DBParameterGroupCount> <DBSnapshotCount>0</DBSnapshotCount> <StorageAllocatedGB>10</StorageAllocatedGB> <DBInstancesByEngineType> <Group> <Name>oracle-se</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group>
JSON Example:
{ "DBInstanceCount": 2, "DBSecurityGroupCount": 36, "ReservedDBInstanceCount": 1, "DBParameterGroupCount": 18, "DBSnapshotCount": 7, "StorageAllocatedGB": 15, "DBInstancesByEngineType": [{ "Name": "oracle-se", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "mysql", "Count": 1 }], "DBInstancesByClass": [{ "Name": "db.t1.micro", "Count": 2 }], "DBInstancesByRegion": [{ "Name": "us-west-2", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 1 }], "DBInstancesByAccount": [{ "Name": "443094636793 (4430 Account)", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "215011050627 (2150 Account)", "Count": 1 }], "DateOfResults": "2014-08-18T20:31:21" }
Redshift Details
The API method, “get_resources_redshift_detail”, pulls the data for the list of Redshift Clusters report in CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
<GetResourcesRedshiftSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2015-11-19T20:20:30</DateOfResults> <TotalClusters>1</TotalClusters> <TotalClusterNodes>1</TotalClusterNodes> <TotalReservedNodes>0</TotalReservedNodes> <TotalReservedNodesCount>0</TotalReservedNodesCount> <TotalSnapshots>3</TotalSnapshots> <TotalSecurityGroups>0</TotalSecurityGroups> <ClustersByNodeType> <Group> <Name>dc1.large</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </ClustersByNodeType> <ClustersByRegion> <Group> <Name>US East (Northern Virginia)</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </ClustersByRegion> <NodesByRegion> <Group> <Name>US East (Northern Virginia)</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </NodesByRegion> </GetResourcesRedshiftSummaryResponse>
{ "RedshiftClusterDetails": [{ "DbName":"ccdemo", "Identifier":"demo-test", "Status":"available", "ModifyStatus":null, "MasterUsername":"test", "EndpointAddress":"demo-test.c12x01abc0zy.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com", "EndpointPort":5439, "CreateTime":"2015-09-22T10:29:09", "AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod":1, "SubnetGroupName":"abc-123-redshiftsubnetgroupprimaryusea11-1234556789ab", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow":"sat:03:00-sat:03:30","AllowVersionUpgrade":true, "NumberOfNodes":1,"PubliclyAccessible":false, "Encrypted":false,"NodeType":"dc1.large", "RegionName":"US East (Northern Virginia)", "AvailabilityZone":"us-east-1a", "AccountName":"123456789 (abc-123)", "Version":"1.0", "PricingType":"OnDemand", "StorageCost":0.0, "ComputeCost":180.000, "VpcId":"vpc-aa12345a", "ReservedNodeId":null}], "DateOfResults":"2015-11-19T20:20:30", "HasNext":false, "NextToken":"" }
Redshift Summary
The API method, “get_resources_redshift_summary”, pulls the data for the Redshift Summary report in CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesRedshiftSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2015-11-19T20:20:30</DateOfResults> <TotalClusters>1</TotalClusters> <TotalClusterNodes>1</TotalClusterNodes> <TotalReservedNodes>0</TotalReservedNodes> <TotalReservedNodesCount>0</TotalReservedNodesCount> <TotalSnapshots>3</TotalSnapshots> <TotalSecurityGroups>0</TotalSecurityGroups> <ClustersByNodeType> <Group> <Name>dc1.large</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </ClustersByNodeType> <ClustersByRegion> <Group> <Name>US East (Northern Virginia)</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </ClustersByRegion> <NodesByRegion> <Group> <Name>US East (Northern Virginia)</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> </NodesByRegion> </GetResourcesRedshiftSummaryResponse>
{ "TotalClusters":1, "TotalClusterNodes":1, "TotalReservedNodes":0, "TotalReservedNodesCount":0, "TotalSnapshots":3, "TotalSecurityGroups":0, "ClustersByNodeType": [{"Name":"dc1.large","Count":1}], "ClustersByRegion": [{"Name":"US East (Northern Virginia)","Count":1}], "ClustersByAccount":null, "NodesByRegion": [{"Name":"US East (Northern Virginia)","Count":1}], "NodesByAccount":null, "DateOfResults":"2015-11-19T20:20:30" }
Route53 Health Checks
The API method, “get_resources_route53_healthcheck_details”, pulls the data from the list of Health Checks report from CloudCheckr.
XML Call:
JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- max_results (optional) – limit the number of results returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesRoute53HealthCheckDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken/> <DateOfResults>2016-06-02T15:53:46</DateOfResults> <HealthCheckDetails> <HealthCheck> <HealthCheckId>7e3079de-677e-441d-a0f6-9299287450c6</HealthCheckId> <IPAddress></IPAddress> <Port>45</Port> <Type>TCP</Type> <AccountId>123456789012</AccountId> </HealthCheck> </HealthCheckDetails> </GetResourcesRoute53HealthCheckDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{"HealthCheckDetails": [{"HealthCheckId":"7e3079de-677e-441d-a0f6-9299287450c6","FullyQualifiedDomainName":null,"IPAddress":"","Port":45,"ResourcePath":null,"Type":"TCP","AccountId":"123456789012"}, "DateOfResults":"2016-06-02T15:53:46","HasNext":false,"NextToken":""}}
Route53 Hosted Zone Details
The API method, “get_resources_route53_hostedzone_details”, pulls the data from the list of Hosted Zones report from CloudCheckr.
XML Call:
JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- max_results (optional) – limit the number of results returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesRoute53HostedZoneDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken/> <DateOfResults>2016-06-02T15:53:46</DateOfResults> <HostedZoneDetails> <HostedZone> <HostedZoneId>/hostedzone/Z19TSS4YT1BFNR</HostedZoneId> <Name>test.com.</Name> <AccountId>123456789012</AccountId> <ResourceRecordSetCount>2</ResourceRecordSetCount> <Comment>yo</Comment> <RecordSets> <ResourceRecordSet> <Name>test.com.</Name> <Type>NS</Type> <Weight>0</Weight> <TTL>111111</TTL> <Value>ns-1111.awsdns-11.org.,ns-1111.awsdns-11.co.uk.,ns-11.awsdns-11.com.,ns-111.awsdns-11.net.</Value> </ResourceRecordSet> </RecordSets> </HostedZone> </HostedZoneDetails> </GetResourcesRoute53HostedZoneDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{"HostedZoneDetails": [{"HostedZoneId":"/hostedzone/Z19TSS4YT1BFNR","Name":"test.com.","AccountId":"123456789012","ResourceRecordSetCount":2,"Comment":"yo", "RecordSets":[{"Name":"aarong33.com.","Type":"NS","SetIdentifier":null,"Weight":0,"Failover":null,"TTL":111111,"Value":"ns-1111.awsdns-11.org.,ns-1111.awsdns-11.co.uk.,ns-11.awsdns-11.com.,ns-111.awsdns-11.net."}, }]}],"DateOfResults":"2016-06-02T15:53:46","HasNext":false,"NextToken":""}
Route Tables
The API method, “get_resources_route_tables”, returns a list of VPC route tables.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetResourcesVPCRouteTablesResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken /> <DateOfResults>2017-01-25T20:43:28</DateOfResults> <RouteTables> <Id>Id</Id> <RouteTableId>RouteTableId</RouteTableId> <Main>Main;/Main> <VPCRouteDetails> <Routes> <VpcRouteTableAssociationDetails>> <Associations> <EC2ResourceTagDetails>> </ResourceTags> <RegionName>RegionName</RegionName> <AccountName>AccountName</AccountName> <VPCId>VPCId</VPCId>
JSON Example:
{ "VPCRouteTableDetails" :[ { "Id": "ID", "RouteTableId": "Route Table ID ", "Main": "Main" "VpcRouteTablesAssociationDetails": [{ "Associations": "Associations" }] "EC2ResourceTagDetails": [{ "ResourceTags": "ResourceTags" }] "RegionName": "Region Name", "AccountName": "Account Name", "VPCId": "VPC ID" } ] }
S3 Details
The API method, “get_resources_s3_details”, pulls the data from the S3 Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<DateOfResults>2014-08-01T22:43:06</DateOfResults> <S3Buckets> <S3Bucket> <AwsAccountId>552094636532</AwsAccountId> <Name>bucket.1.15</Name> <Region>US West (Northern California)</Region> <EstimatedCost>0.0000021226622164249420166016</EstimatedCost> <StorageUsedBytes>86333</StorageUsedBytes> <ObjectCount>5</ObjectCount> <FolderCount>0</FolderCount> <Created>2013-01-24T16:36:19</Created> <AccessLogCount>0</AccessLogCount> <AccessLogSizeBytes>0</AccessLogSizeBytes> <WebsiteEnabled>false</WebsiteEnabled> <LoggingEnabled>false</LoggingEnabled> <LoggingTargetBucket/> <NotificationEnabled>false</NotificationEnabled> <IsPublic>false</IsPublic> <StandardCost>0.0000</StandardCost> <StandardObjectCount>0</StandardObjectCount> <StandardStorageUsedBytes>0</StandardStorageUsedBytes> <RRCost>0.0000021226622164249420166016</RRCost> <RRObjectCount>5</RRObjectCount> <RRStorageUsedBytes>86333</RRStorageUsedBytes> <GlacierCost>0.0000</GlacierCost> <GlacierObjectCount>0</GlacierObjectCount> <GlacierStorageUsedBytes>0</GlacierStorageUsedBytes> <AvgObjectSizeBytes>17266</AvgObjectSizeBytes> <AvgStandardObjectSizeBytes>0</AvgStandardObjectSizeBytes> <AvgRRObjectSizeBytes>17266</AvgRRObjectSizeBytes> <AvgGlacierObjectSizeBytes>0</AvgGlacierObjectSizeBytes> <AvgCostPerObject>0.0000004245324432849884033203</AvgCostPerObject> <AvgCostPerStandardObject>0</AvgCostPerStandardObject> <AvgCostPerRRObject>0.0000004245324432849884033203</AvgCostPerRRObject> <AvgCostPerGlacierObject>0</AvgCostPerGlacierObject> <AvgTimeSinceLastModified>554 days</AvgTimeSinceLastModified> <S3Permissions> <S3Permission> <Grantee>entity</Grantee> <Permissions> <string>Full Control</string> </Permissions> </S3Permission> <S3Permission> <Grantee>Log Delivery</Grantee> <Permissions> <string>Upload/Delete (Write)</string> <string>View Permissions (Read_Acp)</string> </Permissions> </S3Permission> </S3Permissions>
JSON Example:
{ "S3Buckets": [{ "Name": "bucket.1.15", "Region": "US West (Northern California)", "EstimatedCost": 0.0000021226622164249420166016, "StorageUsedBytes": 86333, "ObjectCount": 5, "FolderCount": 0, "Created": "2013-01-24T16:36:19", "AccessLogCount": 0, "AccessLogSizeBytes": 0, "WebsiteEnabled": false, "WebsiteIndexDocument": null, "WebsiteErrorDocument": null, "LoggingEnabled": false, "LoggingTargetBucket": "", "LoggingPrefix": null, "NotificationEnabled": false, "IsPublic": false, "StandardCost": 0.0000, "StandardObjectCount": 0, "StandardStorageUsedBytes": 0, "RRCost": 0.0000021226622164249420166016, "RRObjectCount": 5, "RRStorageUsedBytes": 86333, "GlacierCost": 0.0000, "GlacierObjectCount": 0, "GlacierStorageUsedBytes": 0, "AvgObjectSizeBytes": 17266, "AvgStandardObjectSizeBytes": 0, "AvgRRObjectSizeBytes": 17266, "AvgGlacierObjectSizeBytes": 0, "AvgCostPerObject": 0.0000004245324432849884033203, "AvgCostPerStandardObject": 0.0, "AvgCostPerRRObject": 0.0000004245324432849884033203, "AvgCostPerGlacierObject": 0.0, "AvgTimeSinceLastModified": "568 days", "S3Permissions": [{ "Grantee": "developers", "Permissions": ["Full Control"] }, { "Grantee": "Log Delivery", "Permissions": ["Upload/Delete (Write)", "View Permissions (Read_Acp)"] }], "S3Notifications": [], "S3LifeCycleRules": [], "ResourceTags": [], "ObjectTypesTop10": [{ "Type": "PNG", "ObjectCount": 5, "PercentOfObjects": 100.0, "StorageUsedBytes": 86333, "PercentOfStorage": 100.0 }], "ObjectsBySizeTop10": [{ "Key": "Login.PNG", "SizeBytes": 29415, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:52", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "Account Activity.PNG", "SizeBytes": 25636, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:51", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "Dropdown.PNG", "SizeBytes": 14854, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:52", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "popup.PNG", "SizeBytes": 9971, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:53", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "Success.PNG", "SizeBytes": 6457, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:53", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }], "ObjectsByMostRecentlyModifiedTop10": [{ "Key": "Success.PNG", "SizeBytes": 6457, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:53", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "popup.PNG", "SizeBytes": 9971, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:53", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "Dropdown.PNG", "SizeBytes": 14854, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:52", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "Login.PNG", "SizeBytes": 29415, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:52", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "Account Activity.PNG", "SizeBytes": 25636, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:51", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }], "ObjectsByLongestSinceModifiedTop10": [{ "Key": "Account Activity.PNG", "SizeBytes": 25636, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:51", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "Dropdown.PNG", "SizeBytes": 14854, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:52", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "Login.PNG", "SizeBytes": 29415, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:52", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "Success.PNG", "SizeBytes": 6457, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:53", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }, { "Key": "popup.PNG", "SizeBytes": 9971, "LastModified": "2013-01-24T16:35:53", "StorageClass": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" }], "AwsAccountId": "552094637668" }], "DateOfResults": "2014-08-18T20:31:21" }
S3 Summary
The API method, “get_resources_s3_summary”, pulls the data for the S3 Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetResourcesS3SummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-08-01T22:43:06</DateOfResults> <CostPerMonth>1.6386625068694353103637695311</CostPerMonth> <ExceededCloudCheckrS3Limit>false</ExceededCloudCheckrS3Limit> <StorageUsedBytes>124555089710</StorageUsedBytes> <BucketCount>34</BucketCount> <BucketCountLoggingEnabled>3</BucketCountLoggingEnabled> <BucketCountSnsNotificationEnabled>3</BucketCountSnsNotificationEnabled> <ObjectCount>390713</ObjectCount> <AccessLogCount>29895</AccessLogCount> <AccessLogSizeBytes>55137631</AccessLogSizeBytes> <BucketCountOpenWritePermissions>3</BucketCountOpenWritePermissions> <BucketCountOpenListPermissions>5</BucketCountOpenListPermissions> <FolderCount>49</FolderCount> <StandardCost>0.6954085571486502885818481443</StandardCost> <StandardObjectCount>372240</StandardObjectCount> <StandardStorageUsedBytes>23301621745</StandardStorageUsedBytes> <RRCost>0.0004412300124764442443847657</RRCost> <RRObjectCount>21</RRObjectCount> <RRStorageUsedBytes>19723030</RRStorageUsedBytes> <GlacierCost>0.9428127197083085775375366211</GlacierCost> <GlacierObjectCount>18452</GlacierObjectCount> <GlacierStorageUsedBytes>101233744935</GlacierStorageUsedBytes> <AvgObjectSizeBytes>318789</AvgObjectSizeBytes> <AvgStandardObjectSizeBytes>62598</AvgStandardObjectSizeBytes> <AvgRRObjectSizeBytes>939191</AvgRRObjectSizeBytes> <AvgGlacierObjectSizeBytes>5486329</AvgGlacierObjectSizeBytes> <AvgCostPerObject>0.0000041940311862401182206985</AvgCostPerObject> <AvgCostPerStandardObject>0.0000018681725691721746415803</AvgCostPerStandardObject> <AvgCostPerRRObject>0.0000210109529750687735421317</AvgCostPerRRObject> <AvgCostPerGlacierObject>0.0000510954216187030445229534</AvgCostPerGlacierObject> <AvgTimeSinceLastModified>92 days</AvgTimeSinceLastModified> <EstimatedMonthlyCostByRegion> <S3CostGroup> <Name>US East (Northern Virginia)</Name> <Cost>1.4223832376301288604736328124</Cost> <StorageUsedBytes>117600311618</StorageUsedBytes> </S3CostGroup> <S3CostGroup> <Name>US West (Oregon)</Name> <Cost>0.0460884496867656707763671875</Cost> <StorageUsedBytes>2451410340</StorageUsedBytes> </S3CostGroup> </EstimatedMonthlyCostByRegion>
JSON Example:
{ "CostPerMonth": 1.6415942372022196650505065920, "ExceededCloudCheckrS3Limit": false, "StorageUsedBytes": 124659784162, "BucketCount": 34, "BucketCountLoggingEnabled": 3, "BucketCountSnsNotificationEnabled": 3, "ObjectCount": 434623, "AccessLogCount": 30369, "AccessLogSizeBytes": 55780688, "BucketCountOpenWritePermissions": 3, "BucketCountOpenListPermissions": 5, "FolderCount": 49, "StandardCost": 0.6983371576135978102684020998, "StandardObjectCount": 415711, "StandardStorageUsedBytes": 23405980130, "RRCost": 0.0004412300124764442443847657, "RRObjectCount": 21, "RRStorageUsedBytes": 19723030, "GlacierCost": 0.9428158495761454105377197265, "GlacierObjectCount": 18891, "GlacierStorageUsedBytes": 101234081002, "AvgObjectSizeBytes": 286822, "AvgStandardObjectSizeBytes": 56303, "AvgRRObjectSizeBytes": 939191, "AvgGlacierObjectSizeBytes": 5358852, "AvgCostPerObject": 0.0000037770533018322078331117, "AvgCostPerStandardObject": 0.000001679862110008149436191, "AvgCostPerRRObject": 0.0000210109529750687735421317, "AvgCostPerGlacierObject": 0.0000499082022961275427736869, "AvgTimeSinceLastModified": "96 days", "EstimatedMonthlyCostByRegion": [{ "Name": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "Cost": 1.4251515259779989719390869143, "StorageUsedBytes": 117699616562 }, { "Name": "US West (Oregon)", "Cost": 0.0461104220915585756301879883, "StorageUsedBytes": 2452196763 }, { "Name": "EU (Ireland)", "Cost": 0.0000118367280811071395874023, "StorageUsedBytes": 423653 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)", "Cost": 0.0000025394104421138763427734, "StorageUsedBytes": 99893 }, { "Name": "US West (Northern California)", "Cost": 0.0000021226622164249420166016, "StorageUsedBytes": 86333 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)", "Cost": 0.0000176098700612783432006836, "StorageUsedBytes": 630621 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)", "Cost": 0.0040123909721150994300842285, "StorageUsedBytes": 130553697 }, { "Name": "South America (São Paulo)", "Cost": 0.16628578948974609375000, "StorageUsedBytes": 4376176640 }], "ObjectsByRegion": [{ "Name": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "BucketCount": 20, "ObjectCount": 385788 }, { "Name": "EU (Ireland)", "BucketCount": 1, "ObjectCount": 22 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)", "BucketCount": 1, "ObjectCount": 13 }, { "Name": "US West (Oregon)", "BucketCount": 4, "ObjectCount": 48671 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)", "BucketCount": 3, "ObjectCount": 10 }, { "Name": "US West (Northern California)", "BucketCount": 1, "ObjectCount": 5 }, { "Name": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)", "BucketCount": 2, "ObjectCount": 92 }, { "Name": "South America (São Paulo)", "BucketCount": 2, "ObjectCount": 22 }], "EstimatedMonthlyCostByBucketTop5": [{ "Name": "testnewman", "Cost": 0.9316226989682763814926147461, "StorageUsedBytes": 100031872799 }, { "Name": "testSaoPaulo", "Cost": 0.3568959123194217681884765625, "StorageUsedBytes": 12777154472 }, { "Name": "rellyinbrazil", "Cost": 0.16628578948974609375000, "StorageUsedBytes": 4376176640 }, { "Name": "BobCMTest", "Cost": 0.1132484475150704383850097656, "StorageUsedBytes": 4053319820 }, { "Name": "test123", "Cost": 0.0447854399681091308593750000, "StorageUsedBytes": 2404400000 }], "ObjectsByBucketTop5": [{ "Name": "cloudcheckr-cloudtrail", "BucketCount": 299283, }, { "Name": "CloudTrailAggregateBucket", "BucketCount": 54875, }, { "Name": "waldocloudtrailtest", "BucketCount": 48615, }, { "Name": "tan", "BucketCount": 18886, }, { "Name": "Bucket23_Logs", "BucketCount": 11466, }], "BucketsByAccount": [{ "Name": "324511050666 (2150 Account)", "Count": 22 }, { "Name": "554094636787 (4430 Account)", "Count": 12 }], "ObjectTypesTop10": [{ "Type": "*.gz", "ObjectCount": 347911, "PercentOfObjects": 80.04891595704783225922236053, "StorageUsedBytes": 543684639, "PercentOfStorage": 0.4361347507977887268821051884 }, { "Type": "*.gz", "ObjectCount": 55442, "PercentOfObjects": 12.756342853461505718749352887, "StorageUsedBytes": 69192629, "PercentOfStorage": 0.055505173111868715863307352 }, { "Type": "*.index", "ObjectCount": 67, "PercentOfObjects": 0.0154156590884513704981098561, "StorageUsedBytes": 9185, "PercentOfStorage": 0.0000073680538288625245790918 }, { "Type": "*.csv", "ObjectCount": 51, "PercentOfObjects": 0.01173430766434358052841198, "StorageUsedBytes": 9651321, "PercentOfStorage": 0.0077421287585880554799351731 }, { "Type": "*.4", "ObjectCount": 49, "PercentOfObjects": 0.0112741387363301067821997455, "StorageUsedBytes": 4900000000, "PercentOfStorage": 3.9306982864917115337560887442 }, { "Type": "*.11", "ObjectCount": 48, "PercentOfObjects": 0.0110440542723233699090936283, "StorageUsedBytes": 4800000000, "PercentOfStorage": 3.8504799541143296657202501984 }, { "Type": "*.6", "ObjectCount": 48, "PercentOfObjects": 0.0110440542723233699090936283, "StorageUsedBytes": 4800000000, "PercentOfStorage": 3.8504799541143296657202501984 }, { "Type": "*.10", "ObjectCount": 48, "PercentOfObjects": 0.0110440542723233699090936283, "StorageUsedBytes": 4800000000, "PercentOfStorage": 3.8504799541143296657202501984 }, { "Type": "*.5", "ObjectCount": 48, "PercentOfObjects": 0.0110440542723233699090936283, "StorageUsedBytes": 4800000000, "PercentOfStorage": 3.8504799541143296657202501984 }, { "Type": "*.7", "ObjectCount": 48, "PercentOfObjects": 0.0110440542723233699090936283, "StorageUsedBytes": 4800000000, "PercentOfStorage": 3.8504799541143296657202501984 }], "DateOfResults": "2014-08-18T20:31:21" }
SWF Details
The API method, “get_resources_swf_details”, pulls the data for the Simple Workflow (SWF) Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesSwfDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <SwfDetails> <Swf> <Name>mar28</Name> <RegionName>US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionName> <Description>mar28 for testing</Description> <Status>REGISTERED</Status> <SwfExecutions/> <SwfWorkFlowTypes/> <SwfActivityTypes/> </Swf> </SwfDetails> </GetResourcesSwfDetailsResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "SwfDetails": [ { "Name": "mar28", "RegionName": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "Description": "mar28 for testing", "Status": "REGISTERED", "SwfExecutions": [ ], "SwfWorkFlowTypes": [ ], "SwfActivityTypes": [ ], "AwsAccountId": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
SWF Summary
The API method, “get_resources_swf_summary”, pulls the data for the Simple Workflow Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return statistics from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent data will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourceSwfSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <DomainCount>3</DomainCount> <ExecutionCount>0</ExecutionCount> <WorkflowActionCount>2</WorkflowActionCount> <ActivityActionCount>10</ActivityActionCount> <DomainByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>3</Count> </Group> </DomainByRegion> <DomainByAccount/> </GetResourceSwfSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "DomainCount": 3, "ExecutionCount": 0, "WorkflowActionCount": 2, "ActivityActionCount": 10, "DomainByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 3 } ], "DomainByAccount": [ ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
VPC Details
The API method, “get_resources_vpc_details”, pulls the data for the VPC Details report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- aws_account_ids (optional; multi-account view only) – return report for these accounts.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
<GetResourcesVpcDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <DateOfResults>2014-09-01T17:12:20</DateOfResults> <VpcDetails> <Vpc> <VpcId>vpc-05aebb79</VpcId> <State>available</State> <CidrBlock></CidrBlock> <InstanceTenancy>default</InstanceTenancy> <IsDefault>false</IsDefault> <OptionSetId>dopt-2034394c</OptionSetId> <Ec2InstancesCount>0</Ec2InstancesCount> <RegionName>US East (Northern Virginia)</RegionName> <Subnets/> </Vpc>
JSON Example:
{ "VpcDetails": [ { "VpcId": "vpc-05aebb78", "State": "available", "CidrBlock": "\/16", "InstanceTenancy": "default", "IsDefault": false, "OptionSetId": "dopt-3144394c", "Ec2InstancesCount": 0, "RegionName": "US East (Northern Virginia)", "Subnets": [ ], "AwsAccountId": null } ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42", "HasNext": false, "NextToken": null }
VPC Summary
The API method, “get_resources_vpc_summary”, pulls the data for the VPC Summary report from CloudCheckr.
Sample XML call:
Sample JSON call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard Access Key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (optional; required if using an Admin API key) – return report for this account.
XML Example:
<GetResourceVpcSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults>2014-09-02T16:39:42</DateOfResults> <TotalVpcs>12</TotalVpcs> <TotalSubnets>2</TotalSubnets> <TotalCustomerGateways>0</TotalCustomerGateways> <TotalDhcpOptionSets>3</TotalDhcpOptionSets> <VpcsByRegion> <Group> <Name>us-east-1</Name> <Count>5</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>us-west-2</Name> <Count>2</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>eu-west-1</Name> <Count>5</Count> </Group> </VpcsByRegion> <VpcsByAccount/> </GetResourceVpcSummaryResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "TotalVpcs": 12, "TotalSubnets": 2, "TotalCustomerGateways": 0, "TotalDhcpOptionSets": 3, "VpcsByRegion": [ { "Name": "us-east-1", "Count": 5 }, { "Name": "us-west-2", "Count": 2 }, { "Name": "eu-west-1", "Count": 5 } ], "VpcsByAccount": [ ], "DateOfResults": "2014-09-02T16:39:42" }
VPC VPN Connection Details
The API method, “get_resources_vpc_vpn_connections_details”, returns a list of VPN connections.
Sample XML Call:
Sample JSON Call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetResourcesVPCVPNConnectionsDetailsResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken /> <DateOfResults>2017-01-25T20:43:28</DateOfResults> <VPCVPNConnections> <VPCVPNConnectionsDetails> <Id>Id</Id> <VPNGatewayId>VPNGatewayId</VPNGatewayId> <VpnGatewayState>VpnGatewayState</VpnGatewayState> <Type>Type</Type> <Account>Account</Account> <VpnAttachmentDetails> <VpcAttachments> <Ec2ResourceTagDetailss>> <ResourceTags> </VpcVpnGatewayDetails>
JSON Example:
{ "VPCVPNGatewayDetails" :[ { "Id": "ID", "VpnGatewayId": "VPN Gateway ID ", "VpnGatewayState": "VPN Gateway State", "Type": "Type", "Account": "Account", "VpnAttachmentDetails": [{ "VPN Attachments": "VPN Attachments" }] "EC2ResourceTagDetails": [{ "ResourceTags": "ResourceTags" }] } ] }
VPC VPN Gateways
The API method, “get_resources_vpc_vpn_gateways”, returns a list of VPC VPN gateways.
Sample XML call:
Sample JSON call:
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard access key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_cc_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
- use_aws_account_id (*optional/required) – return report for this account.
* = one of these parameters must be defined
XML Example:
GetResourcesVpcVpnGatewaysResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";> <HasNext>false</HasNext> <NextToken /> <DateOfResults>2017-01-25T20:43:28</DateOfResults> <VpcVpnGateways> <VpcVpnGatewayDetails> <Id>Id</Id> <VpnGatewayId>VpnGatewayId</VpnGatewayId> <VpnGatewayState>VpnGatewayState</VpnGatewayState> <Type>Type</Type> <Account>Account</Account> <VpnAttachmentDetails>VpnAttachmentDetails</VpnAttachmentDetails> <VpcAttachments> <Ec2ResourceTagDetails>Ec2ResourceTagDetails</Ec2ResourceTagDetails> <ResourceTags> </VpcVpnGatewayDetails> </VpcVpnGateways> </GetResourcesVpcVpnGatewaysResponse>
JSON Example:
{ "VpcVpnGatewayDetails" :[ { "Id": "ID" "VpnGatewayId": "VPN Gateway Id", "VpnGatewayState": "VPN Gateway State", "Type": "Type", "Account": "Account", "VpnAttachmentDs": [{ "Vpc Attachments" }] "Ec2ResourceTagDs": [{ "ResourceTags" }] } ] }
Get Resources WorkSpaces Details
The API method, “get_resources_workspaces_details”, is used to create a list of AWS WorkSpaces, which is an AWS service that allows you to set up virtual Windows or Linux desktops.
The preferred HTTP method for this call is GET.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
access_key |
string |
required; admin-level access key
date |
DateTime |
optional; select if you want CloudCheckr to pull a report associated with a specific date |
custom_security_group |
string |
optional; identifies the custom security group associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in the report
directory_id |
string |
optional; identifies the Directory ID associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in the report |
directory_name |
string |
optional; identifies any directory names associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in the report |
iam_role_id |
string |
optional; identifies the IAM Role ID associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in the report |
region |
string |
optional; identifies the region associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in the report |
registration_code |
string |
optional; identifies the registration code associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in the report |
state |
string |
optional; identifies the operational status of any WorkSpace(s) listed in the report |
type |
string |
optional; identifies the type of Microsoft Active Directory associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in the report |
internet_access_enabled |
boolean |
optional; indicates if the WorkSpace(s) listed in the report have access to the internet WorkSpaces must have internet access so you can install updates and deploy applications. |
workdocs_enabled |
boolean |
optional; indicates if you enabled WorkDocs in the directories associated with your WorkSpace(s) If you're using Microsoft Active Directory with Amazon WorkSpaces, you can enable Amazon WorkDocs to create, edit, and share content from a central AWS location. |
workspace_id |
string |
optional; identifies the WorkSpaces ID associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in your report |
user_name |
string |
optional; identifies the user associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in your report |
bundle_id |
string |
optional; identifies the unique identifier associated with a WorkSpace bundle—a combination of operating system, storage, compute, and software resources you choose when you launch a WorkSpace |
error_code |
string |
optional; identifies the error code associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in your report AWS returns an error code if it cannot create a WorkSpace. |
ip_address |
string |
optional; identifies the IP address associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in your report |
security_group_id |
string |
optional; identifies the Security Group ID associated with this directory |
subnet_id |
string |
optional; identifies the Subnet ID associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in your report |
vpc_id |
string |
optional; identifies the VPC ID associated with any WorkSpace(s) listed in your report |
aws_account_ids |
string |
optional; identifies the AWS Account IDs when a WorkSpace is associated with a Multi-Account View (MAV) |
max_results |
string |
optional; identifies the maximum number of results that CloudCheckr will return before paginating the results
Pagination refers to the number of results that the API will display on a page before it continues those results onto the next page. |
use_aws_account_id |
string |
*optional/required; the 12-digit AWS Account ID for the CloudCheckr account you are making the call for |
use_account |
string |
*optional/required; the name of the CloudCheckr account you are making the call for |
use_cc_account_id |
string |
*optional/required; the CloudCheckr ID of the account you are making the call for |
- use_aws_account_id
- use_account
- use_cc_account_id
curl -- request GET \
-- 'https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.[json|xml]/get_resources_workspaces_details?access_key=[access key]&use_cc_account_id=3'\
-- header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-- header 'content-type: application/[json|xml]' \
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
"DirectoryDetails": [],
"DateOfResults": "2020-11-27T01:38:45",
"HasNext": false,
"NextToken": ""
Get Resources Workspaces Directories
The API method, “get_resources_workspaces_directories”, is used to return a list of directories that store and manage information for your AWS WorkSpaces and users.
The preferred HTTP method for this call is GET.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
access_key |
string |
required; admin-level access key
date |
DateTime |
optional; select if you want CloudCheckr to pull a report associated with a specific date |
custom_security_group |
string |
optional; identifies the custom security group associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in the report
directory_id |
string |
optional; identifies the Directory ID associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in the report |
directory_name |
string |
optional; identifies any directory names associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in the report |
iam_role_id |
string |
optional; identifies the IAM Role ID associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in the report |
region |
string |
optional; identifies the region associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in the report |
registration_code |
string |
optional; identifies the registration code associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in the report |
state |
string |
optional; identifies the operational status of any WorkSpace directories listed in the report |
type |
string |
optional; identifies the type of Microsoft Active Directory associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in the report |
internet_access_enabled |
boolean |
optional; indicates if the WorkSpace(s) listed in the report have access to the internet
WorkSpaces must have internet access so you can install updates and deploy applications. |
workdocs_enabled |
boolean |
optional; indicates if you enabled WorkDocs in the directories associated with your WorkSpace(s).
If you're using Microsoft Active Directory with Amazon WorkSpaces, you can enable Amazon WorkDocs to create, edit, and share content from a central AWS location. |
workspace_id |
string |
optional; identifies the WorkSpaces ID associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in your report |
user_name |
string |
optional; identifies the user associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in your report |
bundle_id |
string |
optional; identifies the unique identifier associated with a WorkSpace bundle—a combination of operating system, storage, compute, and software resources you choose when you launch a WorkSpace |
error_code |
string |
optional; identifies the error code associated with any WorkSpace listed in your report AWS returns an error code if it cannot create a WorkSpace. |
ip_address |
string |
optional; identifies the IP address associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in your report |
security_group_id |
string |
optional; identifies the Security Group ID associated with this directory |
subnet_id |
string |
optional; identifies the Subnet ID associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in your report |
vpc_id |
string |
optional; identifies the VPC ID associated with any WorkSpace directories listed in your report |
aws_account_ids |
string |
optional; identifies the AWS Account IDs when a WorkSpace is associated with a Multi-Account View (MAV) |
max_results |
string |
optional; identifies the maximum number of results that CloudCheckr will return before paginating the results |
use_aws_account_id |
string |
*optional/required; the 12-digit AWS Account ID for the CloudCheckr account you are making the call for |
use_account |
string |
*optional/required; the name of the CloudCheckr account you are making the call for |
use_cc_account_id |
string |
*optional/required; the CloudCheckr ID of the account you are making the call for |
- use_aws_account_id
- use_account
- use_cc_account_id
curl -- request GET \
-- 'https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.[json|xml]/get_resources_workspaces_directories?access_key=[access key]&use_cc_account_id=3'\
-- header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-- header 'content-type: application/[json|xml]' \
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
"DirectoryDetails": [],
"DateOfResults": "2020-11-27T01:38:45",
"HasNext": false,
"NextToken": ""
Workspace Summary
The API method, “get_resources_workspaces_summary”, returns information from the Workspaces Summary report in CloudCheckr.
Sample XML Call:
https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.xml/get_resources_workspaces_summary?access_key=[access key]
Sample JSON Call:
https://api.cloudcheckr.com/api/inventory.json/get_resources_workspaces_summary?access_key=[access key]
This call accepts these parameters:
- access_key (required) – standard Access Key required for all API calls.
- date (optional) – return report from this date. If date is not defined, the most recent report will be returned.
- use_account (optional; required if using an Admin API key) – return report for this account.
Sample XML:
<GetResourceWorkspacesSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DateOfResults xsi:nil="true"/> <TotalWorkspaces>6</TotalWorkspaces> <TotalBundlesAmazon>63</TotalBundlesAmazon> <TotalBundlesUser>2</TotalBundlesUser> <TotalDirectories>1</TotalDirectories> <TopFiveDirectories> <Group> <Name>d-9267374029</Name> <Count>6</Count> </Group> </TopFiveDirectories> <TopFiveBundles> <Group> <Name>wsb-92tn3b7gx</Name> <Count>4</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>wsb-3t36q0xfc</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>wsb-0td4y6h23</Name> <Count>1</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>wsb-b0s22j3d7</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>wsb-1b5w6vnz6</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> </TopFiveBundles> <TopFiveStatuses> <Group> <Name>Available</Name> <Count>6</Count> </Group> </TopFiveStatuses> <TopFiveWorkspacesByFailedLogins> <Group> <Name>ws-6hv5n9njz</Name> <Count>7</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>ws-8dmvh5wd2</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>ws-j30t2rryq</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>ws-g8w63z4qk</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>ws-9hpz601x6</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> </TopFiveWorkspacesByFailedLogins> <TopFiveWorkspacesByLogins> <Group> <Name>ws-6hv5n9njz</Name> <Count>9</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>ws-8dmvh5wd2</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>ws-j30t2rryq</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>ws-g8w63z4qk</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> <Group> <Name>ws-9hpz601x6</Name> <Count>0</Count> </Group> </TopFiveWorkspacesByLogins> </GetResourceWorkspacesSummaryResponse>
Sample JSON:
{ "TotalWorkspaces":6, "TotalBundlesAmazon":63, "TotalBundlesUser":2, "TotalDirectories":1, "TopFiveDirectories":[ { "Name":"d-9267374029", "Count":6 } ], "TopFiveBundles":[ { "Name":"wsb-92tn3b7gx", "Count":4 }, { "Name":"wsb-3t36q0xfc", "Count":1 }, { "Name":"wsb-0td4y6h23", "Count":1 }, { "Name":"wsb-b0s22j3d7", "Count":0 }, { "Name":"wsb-1b5w6vnz6", "Count":0 } ], "TopFiveStatuses":[ { "Name":"Available", "Count":6 } ], "TopFiveWorkspacesByFailedLogins":[ { "Name":"ws-6hv5n9njz", "Count":7 }, { "Name":"ws-8dmvh5wd2", "Count":0 }, { "Name":"ws-j30t2rryq", "Count":0 }, { "Name":"ws-g8w63z4qk", "Count":0 }, { "Name":"ws-9hpz601x6", "Count":0 } ], "TopFiveWorkspacesByLogins":[ { "Name":"ws-6hv5n9njz", "Count":9 }, { "Name":"ws-8dmvh5wd2", "Count":0 }, { "Name":"ws-j30t2rryq", "Count":0 }, { "Name":"ws-g8w63z4qk", "Count":0 }, { "Name":"ws-9hpz601x6", "Count":0 } ], "DateOfResults":null }