AWS Marketplace Product Name Tag Key

If you have purchased products from the AWS Marketplace, you will notice a new tag key within CloudCheckr's billing reports: AWSMarketPlaceProductName.

CloudCheckr will automatically apply this tag to all of your marketplace purchases to provide better visibility and organization for these purchases.

The tag value for these purchases will be the actual product name of the marketplace purchase. This allows you to easily build a report that shows you how much you're paying for your marketplace purchases, broken down by product.

Using the AWS Marketplace Tag Within Advanced Grouping

To see the costs associated with your AWS Marketplace purchases, simply navigate to Cost > AWS Billing > Custom Reporting > Advanced Grouping.

Under the Group By box, select the Tag: AwsMarketplaceProductName option.

Select any other parameters you would like in your search and click filter.

This will then produce a report with the associated AWS Marketplace costs.

For more information on the AWS Marketplace, please visit AWS Marketplace Support.

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