Onboarding FAQ

These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) answer the most common questions we get asked about onboarding to CloudCheckr.

CloudCheckr calculates your current invoice based on your previous month’s spend.

As your spend increases/decreases, your CloudCheckr invoice will fluctuate.

Yes. We always encourage our customers to submit enhancement requests. If you have a request that you think could improve our product, work with your Account Owner/Account Manager to discuss the request, and they will work with our Product Team to submit the enhancement officially.

If you are experiencing an issue with our application, we ask that you contact us or click from any page in the application.

Our team of support engineers will attempt to reproduce the problem and work to correct the issue.

If the support engineer can't solve the problem, they will escalate it through the appropriate CloudCheckr channels and provide you with regular updates.

A bug is a fundamental issue in the product that is an unexpected behavior while a feature request enhances the product.

Example Bug: “I am attempting to load a specific page within CloudCheckr that has always worked and it is displaying ‘Sorry, there was an error please contact Support to resolve’ when trying to access it today.”

Example Feature Request: “I would like to be able to export the Audit History section as an Administrator of CloudCheckr. Why am I not able to do this?”

CloudCheckr ingests all AWS cost data from the Detailed Billing Report (DBR) or the Cost and Usage Report (CUR). See the following articles for instructions:

CloudCheckr updates the data during discovery–the daily background job that allows CloudCheckr to connect with AWS and get the latest AWS data. To manually kick this job off, click Notifications in the header bar, go a Reports Updated message, and click Update Now.

Although you can access the same data in our UI, accessing the data via the API or programmatically allows you and your admins to streamline and better manage your processes. For more information, review the API User Guide.

Since the CUR will be the primary source of cost data that CloudCheckr in the near future, you must configure the report in AWS and in CloudCheckr to ensure your transition is successful.

We release an update to the application every two weeks. Below is the day and time when each one of our regions is updated:

Environment Day of the Week Time
CloudCheckr US Monday 5:00 AM - 8:00 AM (UTC)
CloudCheckr GOV Monday 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM (UTC)
CloudCheckr Australia & New Zealand Thursday 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM (UTC)
CloudCheckr European Monday 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC)
CloudCheckr Federal Friday 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM (UTC)

CloudCheckr will provide an in-app notifiction if the date/time changes (note: this notification is not available in CloudCheckr Federal).

Dashboards give you quick, shareable overviews of your Cost, Inventory, Utilization, and Saved Filters.

For more information, review the Dashboards topic.

Advanced Grouping is one of our most powerful tools–giving you total flexibility over cost data in your billing file. Advanced Grouping allows you to easily pivot your data and costs by multiple levels of billing criteria, such as Account, Resource ID, Service, and Tag Keys. For instance, you can group costs by Tag Keys of CustomerName, then group costs within that by Tag Key of ProductName. You can create reports with up to five levels of groupings with tag keys.

For more information, review the Advanced Grouping Report topic.

We have an aggressive plan for reaching feature parity in Azure to match AWS and bring more support to our Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offering. Please speak to your Account Executive for more information.

CloudCheckr's Total Compliance module provides a point-in-time score for more than 35 regulations and historical graphs showing an organization’s progress towards completeness. Total Compliance maps CloudCheckr's 550+ BPCs to each framework, attesting to any cloud-based controls. These frameworks include IRS 1075, NIST, PCI DSS, HIPAA, FedRAMP, AICPA GAPP, NERC standards, NSA MNT and Top 10, FFIEC, and a number or international regulations including Saudi AMA, Australian Top 35 and Essential 8, and ISO 28002-2013, among others.

Total Compliance pulls its data from the CloudCheckr BPCs. CloudCheckr then autopopulates most of this data in the Total Compliance report. However, there are a few controls within Total Compliance that need manual input or attestations from you.

For more information, review the Total Compliance topic.


Amazon finalizes the bill between the 3rd and the 5th of the month. You should receive an email from AWS once the bill is finalized and you should also see a notice in the AWS Console.

Once AWS finalizes the bill and CloudCheckr picks it up, the application will display a notification to let you know that the bill is final and fully loaded in CloudCheckr.


The final bill will be loaded into CloudCheckr a few days into the new billing month. You can use the table below to determine when your finalized bill will be available in CloudCheckr:

Type of Account Billing Month Expected to Finalize
Enterprise Agreement &
Microsoft Customer Agreements
Calendar Month
  • Finalization happens on the 6th of the next month.
  • Example: September will be finalized on October 6.
Classic CSPs (non-NCE) Non-Calendar Month

Example: 28th - 27th
  • Finalization happens 3 days after the end of the billing month.
  • Example: If the billing month ended on September 27, then finalized data will be available on September 30.
Plan CSPs (NCE) Calendar Month
  • Plan CSPs delay writing current month cost on or around the 26th. This date varies customer to customer.
  • Finalization happens sometime around the 6th and 10th of the following month.
  • Example: September cost ends on September 26, and becomes finalized on October 10.

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