Single Day Billing Summary Report
The Single Day Billing Summary report shows statistics on your bill taken directly from your AWS invoice for a specific date. The Billing Summary is based on your Detailed Billing Report (using Unblended costs).
Using Detailed Billing Reports
AWS also provides Detailed Billing Reports which write into a file on S3 the complete details of your charges, credits, and net bill. Enable the Detailed Billing by following the directions here.
The latest billing information from AWS is often not pushed to the Detailed Billing Reports for several days, particularly at the beginning or end of the month. You will not see your AWS Billing information in the CloudCheckr Billing reports until it is updated in your Detailed Billing reports from AWS.
The Bill Summary report will show you what you've spent for the date selected, total costs for the previous day, month-to-date costs through that day, and month-to-date costs for the same time period the previous month. You will also see a predicted bill based on the current month's costs, the total costs for the previous month, average daily cost for the current month, and the average daily cost for the previous month. The Daily AWS Bill for Previous 7 Days section displays the total daily and month-to-date costs for the previous week (from the date selected at the top of the report).

The bill broken out by Service section shows which AWS services are being billed by Amazon, and for how much.
You can see the bill for the date selected (today by default), previous day, month to date, and the daily average.
AWS Bills are monthly, starting on the 1st and resetting the last day of each month. The 1st of the month you will be billed by AWS for all your Heavy Utilization Reserved Instances and other upfront costs. This will cause a large spike in your AWS bill on the first of the month.
For more information on AWS Pricing, see the Amazon website here.